Radio Sketch Project Page 4

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ December 31, 2007, 12:29 PM

I've PMed you.

Yes - thank you. Very good.

I think I'll hjave to give a deadline for submissions.

Friday night midnight - OK?

Quote: David Chapman @ December 26, 2007, 1:33 PM

So that looks like - Steve, Blenkinsop, Baumski, Splodge, Fred, Michael, Roscoff, Charley, Zooo and Martin.

This group is breeding faster than the Waltons! By the way, any thoughts as to what we could call ourselves or is that too anal?

Quote: Baumski @ December 31, 2007, 12:50 PM

This group is breeding faster than the Waltons! By the way, any thoughts as to what we could call ourselves or is that too anal?

Because the site is going to be relaunched as British Comedy Guide I thought of something like BCG which used to be an innoculation you had at about 11 years old. Don't think they have it now but maybe use the initials for something else - eg - oh I don't know!!!

Think of something.

Well most of the stuff I have written has been written with TV in mind, but I could certainly adapt some of my sketches for radio.

Sorry, am currently braindead, what's going on, are we emailing them to you?

Quote: zooo @ December 31, 2007, 7:50 PM

Sorry, am currently braindead, what's going on, are we emailing them to you?

email or PM will do

Can I join.
Half our life is spent planning for the half we will spend reminiscing
about the half we spent planning for............

I'd be interested, but I don't have anything to offer yet. Is this a dictatorship or a democracy or communism? I'd suggest dictatorship Chappers or else nothing will get done! If so, are there any critera for submission? I'll get my thinking cap on.

Well at the moment because so many people say they're interested I'm asking for - say a couple of sketches - and dictatorially I'm selected what I think is each person's best.

Keep 'em coming.

Dave. You smell!

Quote: Charley @ December 31, 2007, 11:22 PM

Dave. You smell!

That is what my nasal orifice is for.

Quote: Baumski @ December 31, 2007, 12:50 PM

too anal?

I would think that's a pretty good name!

That is a bloody fabulous name. Call it that.
"Too Anal"

I thought you might like that one Charley you minx ;) But I quite like 'Dave you smell' as well. Sorry Dave!

I vote Too Anal too. :)