Angeleye are at it again... Page 3

Earlier today.

Maybe they thought they'd get the crap out of the way first.

I just hope they got mine. I sent it in a PDF file.

I got my rejection email too!

Quote: David Chapman @ October 30, 2007, 9:54 PM

Maybe they thought they'd get the crap out of the way first.

So it must be that.

I just discovered my rejection today from them in my inbox. As a matter of interest, does anybody know of shows Angeleye make or have made which have featured spec contributions?

Apparently I'm in the 'batch for consideration -- of which there is about 30'. People from London will be in touch should they decide they'd like to pursue our idea further.

Which is just dragging the rejection process out a bit longer, quite frankly!



Good luck swertyd. I got a no spank you yesterday. Ok, so those weren't their exact words but close enough!

I've got nothing yet.

Cheers ShoePie

Nice one Dan!

I got my rejection today. One problem with is was it was for some sketches I'd sent them before I knew anything about the competition. They might not even look at my sitcom now! Angry

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ October 31, 2007, 12:41 PM

I've got nothing yet.

Same here. Gah!

I haven't got any reply yet. But I think I may have messed up when sending them stuff, not sure if I stuck to the guidelines, I sent them quite last minute and was rushing.

Quote: earman2009 @ October 31, 2007, 4:37 PM

I got my rejection today. One problem with is was it was for some sketches I'd sent them before I knew anything about the competition. They might not even look at my sitcom now! Angry

They're just one fishy in the sea, Earman.

Keep shooting.

Ive yet to get my reply, but I was just wondering what sort of things people submitted; sit-coms, sketch shows or something else? Mine was for a sort of sit-com.

I submitted a sitcom episode, but haven't heard anything back. I submitted rather last minute though and the script was in a rather basic format, so perhaps they just tossed it away.....