Peep Show - Series 8 Page 9

They put David ike under intellectual nuff sAid

I really liked Dobby to begin with, probably because she was a good contrast for Sophie, I'm not sure exactly. But now I'm going off her. She's probably the one with the least depth, for example, I bet it would be hard to write for her inner-monologue, mainly because she talks so disjointed with all those ironic geek phrases, it kinda grates on me. But then again maybe that's the idea? She's a caricature of that type of person?

Dobby's gone from being a developed, interesting character to a cliched geek. It's a shame.

I still laugh, thinking of Dobby and Mark in the cupboard...

"Should step away. Step away from the bum..." Laughing out loud

But I agree that she's not as interesting lately.

Liked it lots, not the epitome of Peep but certainly good, in the way some of the earliest episodes were. Nicely handled funeral scene (apart from Johnson's odd speech, of course) avoiding the obvious farce that lesser writers would settle for.

Loved episode 1 of the new series, the Steven Gerrard birthday cake and Gerard's phone message. Jez at the therapist's was hilarious. What's happened to the craggy Super Hans we know and love? Has he had dermal fillers? The Chuckle Brothers don't do that. It's like Stan Laurel having a Justin Beiber haircut.

Quote: Lee @ November 27 2012, 1:11 AM GMT

I really liked Dobby to begin with, probably because she was a good contrast for Sophie, I'm not sure exactly. But now I'm going off her. She's probably the one with the least depth, for example, I bet it would be hard to write for her inner-monologue, mainly because she talks so disjointed with all those ironic geek phrases, it kinda grates on me. But then again maybe that's the idea? She's a caricature of that type of person?

I tend to agree. Dobby has flatlined slightly as a character.

On the Sophie debate, it's sort of been a thankless role for Olivia Coleman. She started life as the traditional safe but boring girlfriend before morphing into a self-destructive harpy.