Manchester Drinks - Interested? Page 10

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ December 11 2012, 8:15 PM GMT

Good stuff.
& Well done to Badge for getting this off the ground

Cheers Steve, I'm just glad the next Manchester meet won't have the "inaugural meet" tag any longer that has so cursed these difficult-to-arrange-people-going-to-pub events.

Glad to hear that the Manchester franchise of the BCG Meet actually happened.

The password to the photos is the hat that Godot was wearing.

The password is Steve sunshine?

I really enjoyed it, thanks to AngieBaby for letting us know she was in the area, and to the people who kicked off this thread.

Hope it happens again soon, although I'd prefer a venue where we're not inadvertently heckling a quiz.

bollocks, I haven't checked in for a while........

Sorry you missed us, David. I hope we can do it again at some point in the new year.

You need to meet somewhere proper like San Carlo's