The X Factor. Page 8

Sting / The Police are favourites of mine so maybe I'm biased, but it just seemed to lack tune.

I haven't watched this show for ages.. is Dirty Den still in it?

Yes. Watch it next week and see if you can spot him.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 30 2011, 10:53 PM BST

on the Xtra Factor

Sorry, but are you being serious?

You not only watch the main programme but this shit as well?



Yeah. They're the only two ITV shows I watch.

Makes sense to me.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 30 2011, 10:53 PM BST

Rufus Hound is on the Xtra Factor now and actually being quite funny.

Everyone on Twitter seems to agree!
What sort of things was he saying?

Funny things

Quote: Shandonbelle @ October 30 2011, 9:54 PM GMT

Janet, the Irish girl's version of Every Breath You Take was bloody awful.

That's two weeks in a row now. Emperor's new clothes, anyone? Somehow she is still the bookies' favourite to win.

She's shit.

She can't sing, and she's shown herself to be a proper little arrogant madam as well this week.

So maybe the bookies do have it right.

I can't stand her. That singing like a kid thing she does. Annoying and put on.

The only Risk with these lot is that they might actually hit a proper note at some point.

I had 3 weeks out of this and decided to watch it last week. That was enough to realise that after 7 series I've had enough. It's gone down the shitter.

THE X FACTOR - 2004-2010 R.I.H


Frankie, no it isn't.

He is f**king terrible.