The X Factor. Page 10

I haven't watch any X factor in 3 years

that is because I am cool

and you all suck

suck dead tramps cocks to be precise



It's cool to be a loser. Haven't you ever watched Glee?

F**k off out of our thread if you don't like it.

Back on topic, I want to hear some speculation about what "golden rule" Frankie broke to get shitcanned like this.

My bet: raped a Little Mix.

a little Mix? You don't mean diminuitive 80s rapper Sir Mixalot?

Why would you think that you sick f**k?

nb I watched every episode of Glee till it turned shit and moved to Sky.

Like yo mama did!

He did the drugs... he did some of those druggy things.

Cue Cokeozza jokes

I was hoping it was for his hair. His bloody hair. F**k I hate it. Oh and his face and his singing voice. His personality and his beliefs. His skinny jeans. His tattooed arse. His face and his hair. Good f**king riddance.

Laughing out loud

Thank goodness the article mentioned his ex is pretty and blonde, or I wouldn't have understood the story at all.
And, oh the hypocrisy. The only people in the world that take more coke than music industry types are journos

I fear we haven't seen the last of him. As long as he keeps showing up to the right clubs the f**ker won't be out of the papers for years.

Hopefully he'll winehouse sooner rather than later.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 8 2011, 4:01 PM GMT

I fear we haven't seen the last of him. As long as he keeps showing up to the right clubs the f**ker won't be out of the papers for years.

Hopefully he'll winehouse sooner rather than later.

Is doing a "Winehouse" now a known saying?

Quote: EllieJP @ November 8 2011, 4:04 PM GMT

Is doing a "Winehouse" now a known saying?

It's not "doing a Winehouse", it's "winehousing".

To winehouse, a verb.

I just made it up. Feel free to pass it on.

Thanks Kevin.

Quote: AJGO @ November 8 2011, 3:43 PM GMT

Cue Cokeozza jokes

Frankie Coke user?

What an utter prick he is.

(Not you, Nil.) ;)

A style icon..

(Not you, zooo).

I'm not saying which style, though..