The Apprentice - Series 5 Page 8

If I ever see him in the street I will ping his braces.


After last weeks flacid episode, this one was much better. The characters are starting to emerge. Ben's great. With his piggy eyes, lardy body, and Eamon Holmes accent. I love how hateable he is. :)

Quote: zooo @ April 15 2009, 10:08 PM BST

But the other two are SUCH MASSIVE CUNTS.

Laughing out loud Yasmin should've gone. As much as I hate Ben, he wasn't involved.

The guy leader the other team was totally hopeless and should have been fired despite winning.

Quote: zooo @ April 15 2009, 10:08 PM BST

But the other two are SUCH MASSIVE CUNTS.

Oh Zooo - you summed up beautifully just how I was feeling! Despite usually being a pacifist, if I ever see Ben in the street I will kidnap him, lock him in my cellar (even though I don't have one...), make 38 separate one inch long incisions into his skin (mostly on his fat arms but saving a couple for the bridge of his nose and a few for the flesh between his fingers) with a rusty craft knife and pour a mixture of vinegar, salt and aftershave into the wounds. The snivelling, publicity-seeking little twat.

And that's that idea on the backburner for the time being. I'm off up to the house to rock my mother in her chair for a while before returning down the hill and killing a pretty female thief in the motel room shower...

Quote: Mick Green @ April 16 2009, 8:01 PM BST

Oh Zooo - you summed up beautifully just how I was feeling! Despite usually being a pacifist, if I ever see Ben in the street I will kidnap him, lock him in my cellar (even though I don't have one...), make 38 separate one inch long incisions into his skin (mostly on his fat arms but saving a couple for the bridge of his nose and a few for the flesh between his fingers) with a rusty craft knife and pour a mixture of vinegar, salt and aftershave into the wounds. The snivelling, publicity-seeking little twat.

And that's that idea on the backburner for the time being. I'm off up to the house to rock my mother in her chair for a while before returning down the hill and killing a pretty female thief in the motel room shower...

I think Mick fits in here quite well.

Quote: roscoff @ April 16 2009, 9:04 PM BST

I think Mick fits in here quite well.

Thank-you Roscoff. I'll find more time to spend on here later on in the year, to see if that really is true. I just don't have the time at the moment due to dancing around my dark cellar in my favourite flailed-flesh suit whilst wearing my night-vision goggles as I hunt fledgling FBI agents. Once that particular little pursuit is complete I'll try a little harder to fit into this twisted-yet-entertaining community which seems so enticing...

That was pretty good. That girl did a TERRIBLE pitch though! I hate the moany woman!

Quote: EllieJP @ April 22 2009, 10:34 PM BST

That was pretty good. That girl did a TERRIBLE pitch though! I hate the moany woman!

Agreed on both fronts.

Phil and 'wonky mouth woman' are gettin' it on.

Sorry but after being on his side for quite a bit as someone who has at least some balls I will be glad to see the back of Geordie lad. Again a girly will win this year. But surely they only know about babies and soft fluffy things. What is the world coming to?

Surely Nural should henceforth be known as Mural as all he seems to do is hang around in the background, silently, doing sod all.

Laughing out loud

Second week in a row when Suralan has made a 'producer', rather than a business, decision.

Being friends with everyone (and probably quite good as an employee/PM a la the self-deprecating Brummy and the American pacifist) does not make good TV. Conflict is however, it would seem and Shouty Iranian totty/Smug Ben (last week) and just the fights between Geordie Ming The Metrosexual and the stern-faced redhead provide all the entertainment we want.



Quote: swerytd @ April 23 2009, 9:20 AM BST

Second week in a row when Suralan has made a 'producer', rather than a business, decision.

He's done that every series. Faced with three idiots in the boardroom, he generally goes for the one who's just meh. It's always good to have a couple of the mouthy twats in the penultimate episode where they get interviewed by Sir Alan's mates.

It doesn't mean the dickheads who haven't been fired yet have any more chance of winning, he just weeds out the boring ones then gets rid of the twats.