I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,486

Hang on what happens if we all agree with one person that makes an argument a logical impossibility.

I believe all guns should be legal and compulsory, look at Switzerland dull as white bread and every family has a gun and a 1000 guns.

So lets stop wasting money on education and put a gun in every sweaty palm.

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ 1st April 2014, 11:38 PM BST

To all the Wikipediaphiles out there, I can heartily recommend a course of Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Depends on what year, we had a very old set of encyclopaedias on our shelves growing up and it said stuff like: 'The Japanese are essentially an evil people without a soul'. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.

Since we can't witness and experience everything that has occurred throughout time and space, we have 2 choices - 1) make an educated guess based on the evidence to hand or 2) Believe the word of someone who has witnessed and experienced everything that has occurred throughout time and space - God.

What a mass murdering bigamist, you don't look for much in your sources.

Quote: sootyj @ 1st April 2014, 11:41 PM BST

Hang on what happens if we all agree with one person that makes an argument a logical impossibility.

Everyone has big sharp knives in their kitchens, there are lots of stabbings out on the street. I think the correlation is pretty clear.

Quote: sootyj @ 1st April 2014, 11:46 PM BST

What a mass murdering bigamist, you don't look for much in your sources.

Omnipotence has it's perks, especially with the chick-a-dees.

No replace the knives with guns, make your sandwiches by machine gunning a loaf of Mighty White and then firing a bazooka at a block of cheese and use a Desert Eagle on the pickle.

It'll make a mess, but it'll be a don't tread on me, freedom mess.

Quote: sootyj @ 1st April 2014, 11:54 PM BST

No replace the knives with guns, make your sandwiches by machine gunning a loaf of Mighty White and then firing a bazooka at a block of cheese and use a Desert Eagle on the pickle.

:O Lead would contaminate the food, you environmental monster. Now stop taping Caroline Lucas' face to Page 3 photos you Earth hating yet strangely ironic individual.

eating my lime and pink pepper shells, you limey pinko pepper

Is this lovely or creepy? I genuinely can't decide...


That girl is going to need sooooo much therapy

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 1st April 2014, 11:01 PM BST

Sort of like accusing every gun owner of being a potential mass murdering psychopath?

Not in relation to a discussion with you, no, as that's not personal to you. I'm not saying we don't all do it, but you often complain when you see people turning that way against you; you called me immature just recently for apprently doing such a thing. Don't be one of the hypocrite sheeple, RC! Be better than us. Teach us.

Quote: Oldrocker @ 31st March 2014, 2:10 PM BST

Seemingly, the Swissers, who haven't fought a war for 150 years, have more tanks than the UK.

Yes, but...


RC, let's be friends again!



To all the Wikipediaphiles out there, I can heartily recommend a course of Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Wikipedia is excellent for most things.

For example, I used to be a gemmologist (gemstone tester), and I know that every Wikipedia gemstone page is basically written by the same couple of very highly-regarded leaders in the gemmological field. I'm sure it's the case for many other tight-knit industries as well.

The issue tends to be with opinion-based/politicised/controversial/religious topics where the Wikipedia page becomes a ideological battleground.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ 2nd April 2014, 8:57 AM BST

Not in relation to a discussion with you, no, as that's not personal to you. I'm not saying we don't all do it, but you often complain when you see people turning that way against you; you called me immature just recently for apprently doing such a thing. Don't be one of the hypocrite sheeple, RC! Be better than us. Teach us.

Critic A cited that Pro-Gun people were 'loonies'

Critic B responded that Anti-Gun people were childishly naïve

There was no hypocrisy in the exchange. Your attempt to add an additional 'personal' bent to the argument, because I called you immature, is immature.

My responses were certainly emotive, I'll grant you that, but based on the previous exchanges over this topic, they are certainly excusable.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 2nd April 2014, 9:16 AM BST

RC, let's be friends again!




Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 2nd April 2014, 12:19 PM BST

Critic A cited that Pro-Gun people were 'loonies'

That's not exactly what I meant. What I wanted to say is that we shouldn't assist the loonies (i.e. potential family erasers) by giving them weapons for free in Switzerland. My English speaking skills have their limits...that was an annoying misunderstanding, sorry for that.

on the other hand SOME pro weapon guys really are loonies.
