British Comedy Guide

The Olympics Page 74

Could some one write a cheap gag about Renegade liking Oldrocker on top.
I'm a bit tired.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 10:11 PM BST



Quote: sootyj @ August 1 2012, 10:12 PM BST

Could some one write a cheap gag about Renegade liking Oldrocker on top.
I'm a bit tired.

You're on top now !

Hey Oldrocker whats your top chatup line?

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 1 2012, 10:21 PM BST


You're on top now !


Quote: Oldrocker @ August 1 2012, 10:21 PM BST


Quote: Oldrocker @ August 1 2012, 9:59 PM BST

It's called multi-culturalism.

Jebus, that was only on the last page. Do you want me to call the nurse?

;) :P

Quote: sootyj @ August 1 2012, 9:28 PM BST

I'd have just gone for a cuddly Boris, squeeze his tummy and hear him say

"Hello Londoners f**k off this bus you scum it's for tourists."

Getting tired of his voice booming out from railway stations like some 70s Sci Fi dystopia.

Just watched Bradley Wiggins swear his way through news conference a little pissed.

I think he might be a bit odd. After the end of his race a little boy rushed up to him for an autograph and it looked like he just waved a dismissive hand in his face. Bit harsh!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 10:27 PM BST

Jebus, that was only on the last page. Do you want me to call the nurse?

;) :P

Just making the point that there's no problem in this enlightened age with Azerbaijanies who arrived here two days ago driving buses around the deserted streets of Stratford and its environs !


I'm enjoying the Olympics.
Even the sports I was bored by when I was younger.
Such as most of them, have been an interesting watch.

Quote: sootyj @ August 1 2012, 10:00 PM BST

Are people from SOuth Asia naturally worse bus drivers?

South Asia and parts of Southeast Asia, yes. Many drivers are paid based on a percentage of the daily fares - or others rent the bus each day and need to get a certain number of passengers just to break even - so cramming on as many passengers as possible and driving like a maniac are de rigueur. Apart from lunatic blind overtaking on crappy roads, their other annoying habit is to wait for minutes on end at certain junctions in the hope that passengers will appear, but when a passenger wants to alight before a terminal, the driver will not come to a complete stop. Passengers thus have to alight running or will fall over and put holes in the knees of their trousers.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ August 1 2012, 9:59 PM BST

If only the cyclist had been less inspired by the Olympics and more of a lazy twat, like me, then he'd be alive now.

It's true, cycling is promoted as being healthy, but no account is ever taken of the dangers of the roads, and about 20 a year die in London. There's a reason cycle couriers are known as "organ donors."



Quote: zooo @ August 1 2012, 10:54 PM BST

I think he might be a bit odd. After the end of his race a little boy rushed up to him for an autograph and it looked like he just waved a dismissive hand in his face. Bit harsh!

To be fair he was looking for his wife and kids and was being mobbed, I don't think it was meant dismissively just that he couldn't start giving autographs otherwise there'd have been a riot.

Don't forget that he didn't have to cycle out to acknowledge the crowd, he could've disappeared into Hampton Court and just waited for the medal ceremony.

The oddest thing about Wiggens is that despite his extraordinary achievements, he still comes across as being completely normal.

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