The Weather Page 47

It's snowing again. This is ceasing to be magical and becoming rather tedious.

Quote: Timbo @ December 21 2009, 4:32 PM GMT

It's snowing again.

No it isn't. I'm sitting by the window so I think I'd notice.

Watch out, Tim...



Excuse me whilst I go and "correct" my wife and daughters...


Quote: sootyj @ December 20 2009, 6:52 PM GMT

MarkP do you live in the 19th century?

I think in a lot of ways I do, lol. :)

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 21 2009, 4:33 PM GMT

No it isn't. I'm sitting by the window so I think I'd notice.

Windows in the darkness of your twisted soul don't count.
Ian McCaskill made the same mistake.

Quote: sootyj @ December 21 2009, 4:45 PM GMT

Windows in the darkness of your twisted soul don't count.

Erm... it's double glazed?

Quote: sootyj @ December 21 2009, 4:45 PM GMT

Windows in the darkness of your twisted soul don't count.

Or indeed windows just in the actual darkness. I didn't know it was snowing until I opened the door. (Though it is probably more sleet than snow. Lovely.)

Quote: Timbo @ December 21 2009, 4:50 PM GMT

Or indeed windows just in the actual darkness. I didn't know it was snowing until I opened the door. (Though it is probably more sleet than snow. Lovely.)

*opens door and goes out*

*comes back in*

No, sorry, it is definitely not snowing. Pleased

Quote: Tim Walker @ December 21 2009, 4:52 PM GMT


No, sorry, it is definitely not snowing. Pleased

Well it's stopped now. Angry

Quote: Timbo @ December 21 2009, 5:01 PM GMT

Well it's stopped now. Angry

Laughing out loud Cool

Quote: Griff @ December 21 2009, 5:13 PM GMT

Well the snow's f**ked my night out. I was booked to go to my favourite restaurant with some friends. I have been looking forward to my steak dinner all day. Down comes the snow, their babysitter cancels, and I get a phone call saying "Come round to ours instead we've got some nuts and crisps". Still, it's the company that counts.

It's the steak really though...

Quote: Griff @ December 21 2009, 5:13 PM GMT

"Come round to ours instead we've got some nuts and crisps". Still, it's the company that counts.

I agree and if the company is not KP then don't touch those nuts.

Not snowing in Kent yet.

Praise be to God!