The Weather Page 52

There is still snow and stuff here. But alas, it is f**king off. :(

Apart from the odd patch, it's all gone here. Oh, well snow fans, I hear there's a fresh fall coming next week :)

I hope so.

Just in the South East and North again I expect. Angry

As per usual. AngryAngry


Yes the snow is racist, I agree.

Quote: Leevil @ December 26 2009, 12:02 PM GMT

Apart from the odd patch, it's all gone here. Oh, well snow fans, I hear there's a fresh fall coming next week :)

It better not be coming anywhere near me - the bastard.

Will you breathe on it, like some kind of demented dragon?

It's been snowing most of the day here in Scotland, it's been beautiful.
Went for a long walk along the burn, made a snowman and had a smowball fight.

I'm glad the ice has gone for now.

I went into our town centre the other day, got half way up a path and almost slipped over. I stopped myself but found I couldn't move, my trainers had no grip and everytime I tried to move I could feel myself slipping. People were staring as if I was a weirdo. I had to explain to a woman pushing a pram that I had no grip and wasn't being a stereotypical paedophile/ stalker/ rapist/ smackhead/ Big Issue seller.

Managed to shuffle like a penguin to the road, which had been gritted and walked along that instead.

Quote: David Carmon @ December 27 2009, 6:16 AM GMT

I had to explain to a woman pushing a pram that I had no grip and wasn't being a stereotypical paedophile/ stalker/ rapist/ smackhead/ Big Issue seller.

Managed to shuffle like a penguin to the road, which had been gritted and walked along that instead.

Where's the CCTV footage?

Quote: David Carmon @ December 27 2009, 6:16 AM GMT

I had to explain to a woman pushing a pram that I had no grip and wasn't being a stereotypical paedophile/ stalker/ rapist/ smackhead/ Big Issue seller.

You had to? And what's stereotypical about a man almost falling over? :S

You men and your wobbly unreliable knees!

I meant that I was stuck to the same spot from fear of falling over so must have looked a bit creepy and weird, especially as I kept laughing and saying "oh shit" repeatedly.

Quote: David Carmon @ December 27 2009, 6:47 PM GMT

so must have looked a bit creepy and weird

No change there then.