Hello again guys, since I'm in the process of writing a script I shall be around here for the time being so will try to join in the banter and such. However I was just abit curious about how you all fell into this line of work and how far you've taken it.
Do some of you write comedy on the side, while having a full time working life, do some of you work full time writing and such and how did you get involved in the first place?
I ask this because I feel like I have no business in trying to write a sitcom. I've always loved comedy and making people laugh, but I have never studied English beyond GCSE, and have never been fond of acting or getting into theatre at all.
My background is in IT and have just completed my degree. Work isn't easy to come by and writing a comedy is just something I somehow thought of and I came across some stuff on the BBC about writing scripts and stuff. My uni friends and I had said for ages we need to get writing stuff for TV, as we clearly find ourselves funny (maybe we're not funny beyond our group).
Anyway this script I'm going to write myself, I am not going to tell my family, I'll just send it and see what happens. I aint expecting anything to come of it but, at least I'll have tried.
Interested to hear your stories though