British Comedy Guide

East Is East

Am I the only person that thinks East Is East is a genius piece of writing?

No. I think it's deeply flawed for a number of reasons (some comic scenes are so far-fetched you're left gobsmacked rather than amused, and there are some jarring violent scenes) but generally the writing and the performances are spot-on. It's a very good film.

And the opening credits and song - 'Banner Man' - is one of the very best in any British film ever!

I've not seen "East Is East" (yet), but I thought the sequel, "West Is West", was excellent.

Overall, it was a good film. But it does have some iffy moments of unbelievability. I liked the backstory into the strict Pakistani dad and trying to set up arranged marriages. Dad was spot on. Even liked the questionability of sexuality of the oldest. Made for some very high tension moments and were acted out very well. And even though people didn't like it, the domestic violence made it all the more real, especially in fanatical muslim households in the time period. All of that added to the realness of the film.

However, this film should not have set out to be a comedy with all the drama, or a "dramedy". Tariq falling in line and doing what his father says was totally unbelievable, especially after they find Nazir. The ending should have been more realistic instead of the happy ending where the father knows what he's done is wrong and now we can go on like he hasn't been an asshole prior to that point. The ending felt rushed, and while it had a great buildup, it crashed its own self to get to the finish line.

An excellent film.

Did Harry say that? I know Anton Du Beke apparently did. :/

Sorry, this is super off topic!

I semi liked East is East, but came away slightly disappointed, from the trailers I was expecting the old man to be an endearing old grump, but he turned out to be quite the horrible old git, from what I remember.

I've tried to watch it a couple of times but really find it to be in bad taste. Can't really understand how it became such a big hit?

I think its dated, but it nailed the Lancashire Yorkshire thing, as well as the not being seen to be from Lancashire Yorkshire thing. The line "I can't help being a P***(derogatory word) " had me in stitches. Wonderful film.

I've just noticed, Zooo can change spelling. O !

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