What are you reading right now? Page 204

Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited

Just starting'The Critic'. Peter May is a very engrossing writer.

Still wading through the massive tome on Charles Dickens.......... :|

I don't read many books. I find I have to be really up for them e.g. Bill Bryson, Dan Brown.

But I've just ordered The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins . . . we'll see.

Finished The Birthing House, wish I hadn't bothered really...was hoping for a good mild horror / ghost / thriller but it was a jumbled mess.

Back to the search for a decent read...anyone recommend a good psychological thriller that does what it says on the tin?

Don't know about psychological but look at Peter May.

David Walliams autobiography : Camp David.
Found it a bit hard. He talks a lot about his constant depression and it's quite depressing reading.
Also, he doesn't like many people including Matt Lucas his Little Britain partner.

Also - Anger is an Energy John Lydon (Johnny Rotten)

Being the same age as him and remembering the fuss about the Sex pistols, it makes it a fascinating read for me.

I can't say it is a good book but it is one I can't put down.

It seems laughable now that they were banned from everywhere for bad language and behaviour - even their LP for having the word Bollocks in it.
But you realise now they were just kids with no one restraining them.

It is a very good insight to the music scene at that time and how they were easily robbed by everyone.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 11th December 2014, 7:46 AM GMT

David Walliams autobiography : Camp David.
Found it a bit hard. He talks a lot about his constant depression and it's quite depressing reading.
Also, he doesn't like many people including Matt Lucas his Little Britain partner.

I've read that too - borrowed it from the library mainly to find out more about the background of his antipathy towards Richard Osman. The truth was that a cancelled show for RO's company had led to bad feeling between the duo. I seem to recall that there was more than a touch of Partridge's 'Bouncing Back' refrain viz "Needless to say I had the last laugh."

Thats right Mrs Nun. He quite gleefully mocks him with 'look where I am now - and your'e only a 'Pointless' score keeper' attitude.
I thought that churlish of him.

Quote: Oldrocker @ 10th December 2014, 10:06 PM GMT

But I've just ordered The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins . . . we'll see.

Boring, pompous twaddle, stating the blindly obvious. Hitchens wrote a better "God is a c**t" book.

The ebook of The God Delusion is co-read by Lalla Ward, who seems to have picked up a mite of Dawkins' snidely acerbic tone. Not a fun listen.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 11th December 2014, 9:57 AM GMT

Also - Anger is an Energy John Lydon (Johnny Rotten)

Contains an odd anecdote about Graham Chapman's pub trick with a small dog.

He doesn't think much of John Cleese or Jerry Hall.

And the revealing passage of [paraphrasing]: "The record company wanted me to meet with Kurt Cobain and Courtney at the Brer Fox Tar Baby Pits. I really wanted to chat with Kurt, but I said bollocks and cancelled that shit. Actually, I think they [Kurt n Courtney] cancelled it, which made me very happy [yeah, right]."

I liked 'God is Not Great'. (Should have used your title.)

Saw Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam described as a 'prettier Kurt Cobain'.

Re-reading the Ted Lewis Jack Carter trilogy which has been republished with slinky new covers and introductions by various luminaries. Syndicatebooks.com A treat if you're obsessed by the movie Get Carter or the original books.

Fine writing, haunting narration. Best British Noir, unlikely to be bettered.

Quote: Kenneth @ 12th December 2014, 7:44 AM GMT

Contains an odd anecdote about Graham Chapman's pub trick with a small dog.

He doesn't think much of John Cleese or Jerry Hall.

And the revealing passage of [paraphrasing]: "The record company wanted me to meet with Kurt Cobain and Courtney at the Brer Fox Tar Baby Pits. I really wanted to chat with Kurt, but I said bollocks and cancelled that shit. Actually, I think they [Kurt n Courtney] cancelled it, which made me very happy [yeah, right]."

Although I don't really 'get' punk, but have a fondness for its offspring, New Wave, I'll check it out. Cleese doesn't come across well in his own autobiography, let alone anyone else's.

I'm Reading The Tv Times(Christmas One)