What are you watching on TV? Page 1,920

Just finished the musketeers. God knows what it was about but it's a ripping yarn - of sorts.

Gengis Khan on BBC4

Gave up on The Steptoe and Son Movie in the end.

It was just to depressing and not funny enough, I mean it was more like a documentary about a serial killer than comedy.

I'm watching Outnumbered for the first time in ages - not only did they steal a pretty big Eddie Izzard joke, but the whole show has gone a bit freaky. All the kids look grown up and when they say kiddie things, it's like watching a bunch of mongies.

The middle son especially, he looks like a 30 year old mechanic from New Jersey.

I've never got into that show. It was funny for about 1 episode.

What Izzard joke?

The Skin I live in, on iPlayer; very strange.

Quote: zooo @ 5th February 2014, 9:33 PM GMT

What Izzard joke?

The 'computer does not recognise printer? It's there, right next to you!' joke.


'Question Time'. Don't you just loathe that little toad Starkey? Even when he's right.

'Question Time'. Don't you just loathe that little toad Starkey? Even when he's right.

Rewatching some Ashes to Ashes. Loved that show.

Quote: Ben @ 7th February 2014, 8:22 PM GMT

Rewatching some Ashes to Ashes. Loved that show.

The last series was great, when that guy turns up to check on them, causing trouble, and is basically the Devil.

It's that very series I'm watching. Hopefully another ensemble show just as entertaining will turn up soon.

The Alan Davies thing.

Only mildly funny (or better: not funny at all). Too much unintellligent pisstaking imo.

The Everly Brothers concert on BBC4.

God, this is good. I really need a EB compilation.