The Wright Way Page 3

I'll give it a go.

I'll give it a watch tomorrow night via iPlayer, it's on too late tonight really.

Is this really happening?

Why is this on at half ten? Seems a bit of a weird, late time.

Seems like the characters from The Thin Blue Line, played by the actors from The Thin Blue Line, written by the same bloke that wrote The Thin Blue Line, but with none of the charm or laughs.




Not sure what they've given the audience, but they seem to love every word.

I predict fans of Mrs Browns Boys will love it. :P

It could have been ok if it was just the main character at work and about the place, with no stuff at home.

With some jokes or something.

This is absolutely terrible.


Jesus Christ!
Had to rise from the dead to check how this 'new comedy' works.
I'm not sure when the actual show is going to begin but this 'hilarious'
'acorn antiques' mock-com is gettIng boring now. Maybe it's too
Sophisticated for me. I'm going back to my Gurney Slade DVD.
Sarcasm aside, It's fecking grim.

I don't know how this Internet thing works either. Thought it was a typewriter.


Actually, has Ben Elton ever written a decent sitcom other than ones he was brought into late as co-writer (The Young Ones, Blackadders)?

"Tick tock! Alarm clock! I'm gonna be late....."

I'm depressed! Ben Elton was one of my comedy heroes growing up but this was very, very poor. I smiled once. I used to burst out laughing constantly at The Young Ones & Blackadder. It was like an average episode of Terry and June or The Good Life. And the daughter's girlfriend character had some terrible 'punch lines'. :(

That was a bit rough.

Aside from the hands washing bathroom bit which I thought was pretty clever, but that was mainly due to it being mostly David Haig being goofy.

I can do without the daughters and house bit honestly and just keep it at the house environment or at least reduce the house bits a lot more.

Can't say I laughed once or even giggled aside from that bit.

Hey, f**kbrain - wash one hand at a time.