Pompidou. Pompidou (Matt Lucas). Copyright: John Stanley Productions


  • TV sitcom / sketch show
  • BBC Two
  • 2015
  • 6 episodes (1 series)

Dialogue-free sitcom starring Matt Lucas as an elderly, oddball aristocrat who has fallen on hard times. Also features Alex Macqueen.

Episode menu

Series 1, Episode 3 - The Bowl

Pompidou realises that a bowl he gave to a friend is worth £1 million pounds. We see Pompidou and Hove do everything from haggling in a charity shop to trying their hand at pottery to reclaim it.

Preview clips

Further details

Pompidou. Image shows from L to R: Bella (Bella Emberg), Hove (Alex Macqueen), Posh Lady (Jane Asher), Pompidou (Matt Lucas). Copyright: John Stanley Productions

Pompidou and Marion are watching Heirloom Roadshow on TV and realise an antique Chinese bowl they gave to their friend Merrick for Christmas is worth £1million pounds. Deciding they must reclaim the bowl, Pompidou has an idea to swap the bowl with an imitation. So they head to a charity shop where a bidding war ensues and the pair end up leaving empty handed.

Pompidou and Hove are in a Chinese restaurant and Pompidou decides to pinch his soup bowl that is another near match. Surprisingly this attempt also fails and they are both ejected from the shop by an angry waitress. The two then attempt a pottery class and decide they'll make the bowl instead.

Back at the caravan, Pompidou and Hove are watching TV when they see a student from the pottery class on Heirloom Roadshow. The student is getting Pompidou's poor attempt at a bowl valued and it turns out it's likened to a piece of modern art and is estimated at £2 million pounds!

Broadcast details

Sunday 15th March 2015
30 minutes


Show past repeats

Date Time Channel
Sunday 22nd March 2015 5:35pm BBC2 Wales

Cast & crew

Matt Lucas Pompidou
Alex Macqueen Hove
Guest cast
Bella Emberg Bella
Jane Asher Posh Lady
Tony Way Merrick
Elizabeth Bennett Antiques Expert
Camille Ucan Pottery Student
Max Olesker Pottery Teacher
Daphne Cheung Waitress
Writing team
Matt Lucas Writer
Ashley Blaker Writer
Julian Dutton Writer
Jon Foster Writer (Additional Material)
James Lamont Writer (Additional Material)
Production team
Charlie Hanson Director
Matt Lucas Director
Charlie Hanson Producer
Katie Mavroleon Producer
Layla Smith Executive Producer
Jon Blow Editor
Dennis De Groot Production Designer
Kevan Frost Composer
Matt Lucas Composer
Andy Heath Puppeteer
Yvonne Stone Puppeteer



Pompidou causes problems when he tries to buy a bowl.

Featuring: Matt Lucas (Pompidou), Alex Macqueen (Hove), Bella Emberg (Bella) & Jane Asher (Posh Lady).

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