Pompidou. Pompidou (Matt Lucas). Copyright: John Stanley Productions


  • TV sitcom / sketch show
  • BBC Two
  • 2015
  • 6 episodes (1 series)

Dialogue-free sitcom starring Matt Lucas as an elderly, oddball aristocrat who has fallen on hard times. Also features Alex Macqueen.

Video clips


It's a very cold day. So cold that everything has frozen.

Guess the weight of the cake

Pompidou has to guess the weight of the cake and he has found the best way to do it.

Pompidou tries on wigs

In preparation for his date, Pompidou tries on a number of different wigs.


Pompidou causes problems when he tries to buy a bowl.


Pompidou is excited about a letter he receives, until he reads it.

Hospital gown

Pompidou doesn't like the hospital gown, so he modifies it to his liking.

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