Miranda. Image shows from L to R: Gary (Tom Ellis), Penny (Patricia Hodge), Miranda (Miranda Hart), Stevie (Sarah Hadland), Clive (James Holmes). Copyright: BBC


  • TV sitcom
  • BBC One / BBC Two
  • 2009 - 2015
  • 20 episodes (3 series)

Hit sitcom starring Miranda Hart as a woman desperate to fit into society and find a man. She runs a joke shop with childhood friend Stevie. Stars Miranda Hart, Sarah Hadland, Patricia Hodge, Tom Ellis, Sally Phillips and more.

Press clippings Page 20

When Miranda first appeared last year, its old-school comedy aesthetic puzzled critics, who took a few episodes to realise that just because it felt like it was from a different decade it still had some good gags to offer. Miranda Hart is back in her joke shop for a second series, with Miranda making moves to get fit and struggling with etiquette at a sushi restaurant.

Will Dean, The Guardian, 15th November 2010

The surprise sitcom hit of 2009 returns for that all-important second series. These are family-friendly, retro japes that will put a big silly grin on your face, providing you buy into Miranda Hart's goofy comic persona. If you don't buy into it, the way she constantly breaks the fourth wall and mugs to camera will make your mind itch, and you'll have to switch off. For us fans, Miranda and chums are a fun gang that we feel a part of - and, while it's funny when she gets stuck in a chair or trips over a hatstand, the scripts are much sharper and more heartfelt than they initially appear. Tonight, Miranda vows to get fit and lose weight.

Jack Seale, Radio Times, 15th November 2010

She has been described as comedy Marmite - you either love her or hate her - but for fans there are belly laughs galore as Bridget Jones for the cooler kids returns.

The Sun, 15th November 2010

For what is in essence a throwback to old-fashioned sitcoms, which also features the lead character addressing the camera directly to shatter the format, this really does divide opinion. Despite that, this did garner a Bafta nod earlier this year for Miranda Hart's performance as a joke shop owner who has an especially hapless love life.

Sky, 15th November 2010

Miranda is back

It has been really hard over the last eight months writing the second series - mainly I have been in a blind panic! But now Episode One is about to air and there is nothing I can do about it - eeeeeek. Here we go...

Miranda Hart, BBC Comedy, 15th November 2010

Miranda unites the tvBite family. tvBite's mothers, in-laws and even tvBite itself can laugh at it. It's not for everyone - and it is easy to see why so many find it irksome - but if you let yourself go and channel your inner child, that part of you that adored 'Allo, 'Allo, there's plenty to enjoy.

TV Bite, 15th November 2010

Miranda review: Queen Kong towers above her rivals

The script is a bright one, but where this sitcom really excels is with some excellent and often subtle slapstick.

Nathan Rodgers, On The Box, 15th November 2010

Miranda Hart: 'Comedy will still be sexist for years'

The comedian on writing her new series, her love of 70s comedy and her dream of winning Wimbledon.

Emma John, The Observer, 14th November 2010

The recipe for sitcom success

Miranda writer James Cary on his unfailsafe recipe for creating a sitcom.

James Cary, The Guardian, 13th November 2010

Series two of Miranda Hart's gently farcical, slapstick-happy comedy continues where the first left off, with Miranda battling the threat of eternal spinsterhood while trying to get one over on her Sloaney rival Tilly. Sally Phillips (previously best known for Smack the Pony) co-stars.

The Telegraph, 12th November 2010

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