Video clips

Episodes - Taking a wild boar to the vet

Having accidentally shot a wild boar, Sean and Beverley plead with Matt to take it to the local vet.

Friday Night Dinner - Series 5 extended trailer

A new series of Friday Night Dinner starts Friday 4th May on Channel 4.

Episodes - Shooting practice

After a brief morning's writing session at the ranch, Matt invites Sean and Beverley to blow off some steam with a bit of shooting practice.

Episodes - $1.2 million for one day's work

Matt's agent tries to tempt him into a lucrative deal modelling vests, before he bumps into his former co-star Morning.

Friday Night Dinner - Series 5 trailer

In Series 5 Mum and Dad get a hot tub, much to the horror of Adam and Jonny; Adam accidentally sets his car on fire; Jonny won't stop prank-calling Adam; Dad becomes obsessed with his old, terrifying ventriloquist dummy; Mum organises her own, terrible surprise party; Jim goes on a date from beyond hell; Horrible Grandma comes back for more horribleness - and the family have dinner.

Episodes - Quitting the show

Sean and Beverley finally lose it with Tim over his decision to cast Anthony Powner Smith. And they tell him in no uncertain terms where he and his food can go.

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