Status report Page 2,825

My arty night is going quite well so far. Working on an A3 crazy person cat portrait.


Quote: Nil Putters @ October 3 2010, 1:38 PM BST

It looks like a turd with teeth.

Does this mean Nil has flesh-coloured turds??

If so, I'll bet that's his best conversation starter...

Billwill has a hunter-killer spider on the wall behind his computer with a leg-span oof at least 3 inches.

Errr Huh?


That's a big spider.
Try staring it out.

I finished my picture and I'm dead pleased with it :D

Lola is easier to draw than I anticipated.

Quote: sootyj @ October 3 2010, 10:18 PM BST

That's a big spider.
Try staring it out.

It has now wandered off to the other end of the room behind the bookcases.

I hope it manages to catch those pesky little black fruit flies that have occasionally been flying around here this past month.


Boiling up another batch of beer. It's become a Sunday tradition.

George Michael has escaped from prison - he's performing a concert on Sky1 and what do the Police do? Absolutely nothing! It's a scandal!

Quote: SlagA @ October 3 2010, 9:16 PM BST

But surely all blokes would have to fake pregnancy? :P Feel better soon.

As for me - Tonight am feeling a little more reassured - great for the soul, bad for the angst.

Oi where's my child maintenance you dead beat dad!

Quote: Tuumble @ October 3 2010, 11:23 PM BST

George Michael has escaped from prison - he's performing a concert on Sky1 and what do the Police do? Absolutely nothing! It's a scandal!

Sing a duet?

Quote: Leevil @ October 4 2010, 2:47 AM BST

Sing a duet?


No, Sting & Co were not present

Off to do battle with tube strike.

Wish me luck.

Stuck in a grid locked bus, do any of thr parties plan on banning individual car ownership?