Stewie and Brian Page 2

Quote: Seefacts @ July 21 2008, 6:20 PM BST

Do you think it's better than The Simpsons?

It's been years since I watched The Simpsons so I really wouldn't like to say. Although perhaps the fact that I haven't watched it in years says more than a typed comparison ever could.

Quote: zooo @ July 21 2008, 6:24 PM BST

Derivative of South Park or Simpsons? Or both?

Just The Simpsons.


I suppose the dads are obviously very similar. And the relationship between the mum and dad.

But I don't think the feel or the comedy have much in common at all.

Quote: Aaron @ July 21 2008, 6:26 PM BST

It's been years since I watched The Simpsons so I really wouldn't like to say. Although perhaps the fact that I haven't watched it in years says more than a typed comparison ever could.

I suppose technically, neither have I. The newer stuff isn't all that, but there were at least 150 episodes of sheer perfection at it's peak.

Quote: zooo @ July 21 2008, 6:27 PM BST


I suppose the dads are obviously very similar. And the relationship between the mum and dad.

But I don't think the feel or the comedy have much in common at all.

Uncool and unpopular daughter too.

I used to hate Family Guy like Seefacts, but then I started watching and now I love it, it's just funny, funny, funny. Not clever but funny.

The Simpsons was immense but now it's just shit. South Park was great too, but now I'm bored with their *ooo let's see how far we can push stuff because we are dangerous blah blah* I still watch South Park sometimes by the way lol.

King of the Hill used to be my favourite and I still love it, but Family Guy for me guarantees lots of LOLs.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 21 2008, 6:11 PM BST


Family Guy is appalling.

The rest of the show sucks ass, but Stewie and Brian, is surprisingly cleverlly written.

Nipping in and out of odd couple humour, surrealism, and switching back to them being a baby and a dog.

Just neat, clever writing, and funny.

The rest of the show is awful

Except Quagmire, and Herbert are also quite funny.

Yeah, I prefer the scenes with Stewie. I always perk up when he comes on screen.

I never liked King Of The Hill.

King of the Hill has quite an odd charm.

King of the Hill is depressing.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 21 2008, 6:11 PM BST


Family Guy is appalling.

Best US programme on TV

Family guy was brilliant. Really funny, have little off cuff jokes like someone giving meg a bomb and if blowing her beak off and her acting like daffy duck completely unexpected as it was as something else was happening. Lately it has lost alot of it's edge but it's been cancelled twice so maybe they aren't trying as hard anymore just waiting for the final axe I dunno the newer ones are definately not as good as older.

Family guys blows Simpsons apart, so much so Simpsons has actually started copying family guy but it just doesnt work. We know the characters. Plus they have reinventd Marge and HOmerspast so many times because characters don't age. I usedto Love Simpsons but its not as good as it used to be by a long shot.

Southpark was brilliant now is just to "knowing" there are some gems like the dance dance revolution episode and imagination land ones but its holding up well really.

King of the hill is dull.

Brain and Stewie are good I miss old "Kill Lois Stewie" not I'm a closet homosexual Stewie...never mind.

Quote: Seefacts @ July 21 2008, 6:26 PM BST

Just The Simpsons.


Family Guy is currently my least favourite thing in existance,
It's the non-existent characters, the lazy joke-writing, the bland artwork, the stiff animation, the annoying voices, the substituting of pop-culture references for jokes, the unorigimnal storylines, the all-emcompassing air of smugness that the show and it's creator Seth McFarlane exudes or the pathetic attempts at being 'edgy' that rubs me the wrong way, it's that..., wait... it's all of those things.

Nice theme song though.

As for The Simpsons rip-off. It IS similar, but it shouldn't be. The Simpsons used to be about the characters, man..

You crazy man!

I'm not crazy! Everyone else is crazy!
Why am I the only one who sees the light?! Family Guy sucks!