Crappest song lyric. Page 5

Quote: Seefacts @ June 8 2008, 9:06 PM BST

Then don't be saying hello to people with your back to them!

Yeah! That's just bad manners.

Quote: zooo @ June 8 2008, 9:07 PM BST

Yeah! That's just bad manners.

Bloody Toto! No amount of cheesy 80s saxophone can mask bad manners.

Quote: zooo @ June 8 2008, 9:01 PM BST

I was only 10. I never even went to see them.
I just stared at posters, sighed, and listened to Cat Among The Pigeons for 72 hours straight.

You girls, so superficial! ;)

But they were so pwetty!

And anyway, I liked them for the music!
(I did actually)

Did you know that the Goss brothers have/had a black Grandmother?

I just bought Matt Goss's autobiography though! So I shall soon find out! :)

Quote: catskillz @ June 8 2008, 10:02 PM BST

Did you know that the Goss brothers have/had a black Grandmother?

From shinning up chimneys?

Rolling eyes

Quote: zooo @ June 8 2008, 10:09 PM BST

I just bought Matt Goss's autobiography though! So I shall soon find out! :)

He's got an autobiography?!

Is that a recent release? I bet it's called 'When Will I be Famous'.

That or 'We were shit'.

Um, I think it was called.... More Than You Know!


Makes you wanna read it, eh?




"My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps" anyone??

re. the song lyrics, not just the ramblings of an insane slapper...

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard"

Yeah love, judging by the rest of you, they're wondering where that rancid smell is coming from.

Quote: JuliaC @ June 8 2008, 11:05 PM BST

"My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps" anyone??

re. the song lyrics, not just the ramblings of an insane slapper...

Surely if she has lumps, she needs to be having those biopsied?

I remember Kelis walking past me, at Glastonbury, in 2000. She was with jamie Theakston, whom I heard she was going out with at the time.
