Who do you fancy? Page 450

Rather peculiar expression on her face there. Like she's in the middle of a really satisfying fart.

Her eyes are a bit wonky, and she's looks like a messy eater. Probably due to the lack of decent depth perception.

Quote: Aaron @ September 13 2009, 3:58 PM BST

Rather peculiar expression on her face there. Like she's in the middle of a really satisfying fart.

Laughing out loud

'This is a nice jacuzzi you have.'

'A jac what?'

'Hmm, I must be going now.'

Quote: Leevil @ September 13 2009, 4:00 PM BST

Probably due to the lack of decent depth perception.


Quote: Leevil @ September 13 2009, 4:00 PM BST

Her eyes are a bit wonky, and she's looks like a messy eater. Probably due to the lack of decent depth perception.

Laughing out loud

I think she's probably quite a prude in real life. :)

I don't suppose it matters when you look like that tho:-)

I'm currently stuck between vampires and werewolves.

Quote: Jude @ September 13 2009, 4:49 PM BST

I don't suppose it matters when you look like that tho:-)

Heh, no, I'm sure she has no shortage of prude-curers. :)

Quote: zooo @ September 13 2009, 4:55 PM BST

Heh, no, I'm sure she has no shortage of prude-curers. :)

They must queue up. There must be a whole mass of them somewhere:)

The poor buggers, I think she's one of them marrieds.

Quote: zooo @ September 13 2009, 5:17 PM BST

The poor buggers, I think she's one of them marrieds.

Like that's gonna stop the perv-meisters. She's got a wedding ring, not a forcefield. Plus she works in showbiz and Mother says everyone on the telly is a whore. So it must be true.

Think of the children!

Quote: zooo @ September 13 2009, 6:31 PM BST

Think of the children!

I try not to. Puts me off my stroke.

Isobel. She's just arrived looking French and gorgeous. Lovey

There's a sexy young lady in the office. She's about six feet tall and she's wearing a rather saucy schoolgirl type dress that stops mid thigh. How am I meant to concentrate? :$

Quote: chipolata @ October 22 2009, 2:41 PM BST

There's a sexy young lady in the office. She's about six feet tall and she's wearing a rather saucy schoolgirl type dress that stops mid thigh. How am I meant to concentrate? :$

Is she a school girl?