Cats!!!!! Page 103

Buried Tom Today Under His Favourite Tree And is there now with his favourite toy and some mint(leaves) We Only Had Them A Year Rip Tom x :(


Been through it myself last week.

Heart breaking.


Thanks Bill & OldRocker,F**king Fast Drivers Today Eh Did'nt Even Notice The Cat To Busy Speeding In His SportsCar Atleast he did'nt crash and been killed him self or his baby or his mrs but poor old tom and alot of time if he did'nt run off and died :(

Quote: Oldrocker @ June 15 2013, 8:37 PM BST

This is all getting more bizarre by the moment!

Someone could use that phrase as signature.


Quote: Aaron @ January 22 2008, 6:11 PM GMT

I like that one

Ahh It Looks like my beautiful tom :(

Quote: george roper @ June 19 2013, 11:47 PM BST

Ahh It Looks like my beautiful tom :(


It is very sad to lose a pet.
I only had the experience with a dog. My Cats are happily healthy I'm glad to say.

How many cats do you have OldRocker? I was very sad to hear about the loss of your young un

Just got his sister now SS. But she's lovely.

Missing him like hell. Such a vocal cat. It's very quiet around here now.

Mine are Brothers
I hope she isn't pining too much or too sad.
Mine seem to hate each other at times but they'd miss the other one if they weren't there.

My cat was lovely and real character and abit of daredevil and a little bit naughty aswell if he did'nt run out of the gate he would'nt of been killed by a fast car (don't know why but he had 3 fits before he died :( and his eyes where really buldgy why is that anyone know?)
but still got his sister Amber at the mo


That's freaky and spooky.