Doctor Who... Page 443

Great episode! I do find the music in this series far too loud sometimes. I can barely hear them speak during the dramatic parts.

It was so incredibly good. I need to watch that again. Moffat firing on all cylinders.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 24 2010, 7:06 PM BST

Yay! for Mike Skinner though!!

Yeah, that was weird! Ha!

Quote: zooo @ April 24 2010, 7:33 PM BST

Was that little ad for the next show right at the very last moments of the f**king show a mistake? Or is that shit going to happen every week?

If that was on purpose, it was a really, really stupid thing to do.

Quote: Swiss Zepplin @ April 24 2010, 7:44 PM BST

Great episode! I do find the music in this series far too loud sometimes. I can barely hear them speak during the dramatic parts.

Yes! That's what it was! I'm not going deaf! Yaaay!

Loved the revelation that The Tardis only makes that noise because he's left the breaks on.

I thought the music worked really well, combined with the sound effects. Maybe they are trying to go for broke in terms of audio, but it needs a particular sound system to realise the effect.

Great episode, obviously.

What is the significance of the Church Militia?

Ha yes, the brakes bit was funny.

Hee, I done made a complaint! Never done that before.
Angry from Boreham on Wood.

Quote: zooo @ April 24 2010, 8:00 PM BST

Hee, I done made a complaint! Never done that before.
Angry from Boreham on Wood.

Perhaps my complaint to The Radio Times has influenced you! :O

Quote: Nogget @ April 24 2010, 8:00 PM BST

Maybe they are trying to go for broke in terms of audio, but it needs a particular sound system to realise the effect.

It probably sounds awesome on surround sound or something. Though I can always hear what's being said through my TV, the sound is a little too loud at times.

Ooh, maybe!
I did read that Ricky interview and she did seem a right bitter old cow.

It also appears that perhaps River Song is not his wife, but something else. Interesting.

Quote: zooo @ April 24 2010, 8:07 PM BST

Ooh, maybe!
I did read that Ricky interview and she did seem a right bitter old cow.

Quite odd, yes? I bet she didn't act that way when she was actually talking to him!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:08 PM BST

Quite odd, yes? I bet she didn't act that way when she was actually talking to him!

No, I bet not.
I reckon she made advances and was sent packing. There has to be some reason for her being such a sour old bint!

I bet they don't print my letter!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:08 PM BST

It also appears that perhaps River Song is not his wife, but something else. Interesting.

Possibly something "much, much darker".
And we already know she's a crim, but he doesn't know it.

Oh dear Doctor.

btw, I find that Mr Smith's "distinctive" looks work really well. In fact his looks might be one of his strongest points.

Quote: Nogget @ April 24 2010, 8:11 PM BST

Possibly something "much, much darker".
And we already know she's a crim, but he doesn't know it.

Oh dear Doctor.

I have one idea, but I'll keep it to myself until we find out.

Quote: chipolata @ April 24 2010, 7:39 PM BST

You mean with the animated Graham Norton standing at the bottom of the screen? That was annoying. Way to kill the atmosphere, BBC.

I thought that was great too. They've really got no idea have they. Unless they were trying to scare us even more. What with Angels and now Leprechauns.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:12 PM BST

I have one idea, but I'll keep it to myself until we find out.

She's Graham Norton!!