Doctor Who... Page 1,031

Is quite funny.

Quote: Nil Putters @ 23rd November 2013, 10:15 PM GMT

Oh, cool. Do you know if it's available for a while?

It's repeated for the next few hours on the red button by the looks of it.

Ace. Ta.

Yay! I was hoping he'd turn up.

Can I get that online my red button seems not to be working

Quote: sootyj @ 23rd November 2013, 10:33 PM GMT

Can I get that online my red button seems not to be working

Should be able to. Or channel 301 if you have digital.

That was very funny, and RTD popped up!

The "I may have the body..." line made me laugh out loud. Overall pretty fun, although Galifrey really didn't look worth saving.


I don't know which one's head to ruffle first.

The Timey Wimey - I don't know where he gets it from
Wins Sunshines funniest line award.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 23rd November 2013, 11:32 PM GMT

The Timey Wimey - I don't know where he gets it from
Wins Sunshines funniest line award.

Took them to task over sonic use, too.

That was actually surprisingly okay.

While it was good to see Tom his dotage was rather puzzling in terms of the Who timeline.

I wonder if that was supposed to be ambiguous as to Who he was

I think it was supposed to be ambiguous.

Today is the first time I have wanted the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

T Baker mentioned something about revisiting favourite old faces or something, yes?