What are you eating? Page 550

Why does he want to cook it a day in advance?

:) To save time on Christmas day, 'cos he takes a dinner to my Dads.

Just scoffed an entire tube (or pipe, if you're Alan Partridge) of Pringles. Quite deservedly, I feel a bit unwell. Sick

What flavour?

I like the green ones. They are a tad moreish.

Quote: zooo @ December 23 2011, 9:50 PM GMT

What flavour?

I like the green ones. They are a tad moreish.


Hi Zooo - yeah, the green ones! Now I'm a similar colour to the tube they came in. They're the crack cocaine of savoury snacks, aren't they.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ December 23 2011, 9:48 PM GMT

Just scoffed an entire tube (or pipe, if you're Alan Partridge) of Pringles. Quite deservedly, I feel a bit unwell. Sick

They are very addictive.

Yes, a whole pipe (that still always makes me laugh) would be uber sick making. I only get those mini ones, then you could eat them all and not feel like dying.

Quote: zooo @ December 23 2011, 10:01 PM GMT

Yes, a whole pipe (that still always makes me laugh) would be uber sick making. I only get those mini ones, then you could eat them all and not feel like dying.

Lion Bar, Marathon, Topic..... I'm having a great time, even though all we're doing is naming chocalate bars.

Quote: Peter Brouhaha @ December 23 2011, 9:48 PM GMT

Just scoffed an entire tube (or pipe, if you're Alan Partridge) of Pringles. Quite deservedly, I feel a bit unwell. Sick

I never learn with that. I made myself feel sick the other week with them, now whenever I see Pringles my stomach turns. But give it a month or two and I will be popping them again.


Quote: Leevil @ December 23 2011, 10:21 PM GMT

I never learn with that. I made myself feel sick the other week with them, now whenever I see Pringles my stomach turns. But give it a month or two and I will be popping them again.


No Leev, I've learned my lesson. About halfway down the tube, all you can taste is the MSG.

To misquote Jim Morrison: the difference between a tube of Pringles and a six pack of Walkers Cheese & Onion is the difference between suicide and slow capitulation.

Must be the night for it. Three quarters of a giant packet of Dorito's some olives and a few glasses of red wine.

Waffles with ice cream and irish liquor flavoured cream.

I just made these to cook tomorrow for my breakfast. Yum. http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/2010/07/make-ahead-muffin-melts/

Looks tasty. I wish I had that instead of my waffles.

Have they changed Pringles?

I'm sure they tasted miles better years ago

I bet they've got less fat in them ffs

It's political correctness gone mental