What are you eating? Page 552

I just looked it up (text only, no pics!) and it's a made up complaint, apparently.

Yep but the image is enough for you NEVER TO GO NEAR YOUR VAG AGAIN.

Much like the "blossom".

What a lovely thread this has become!

Lol! Then I shall continue to avoid pictures.

:S Yuck, curious had to see.

I've had some Hotel Chocolat chocs. Nom nom.

Half price online sale. Mmmmmm....

Ruby will rush to look now!!

Quote: sootyj @ January 1 2012, 11:31 PM GMT

It's a female medical disorder not a breakfast food featuring blueberries.

Thank God I didn't give in to temptation!

Just taking my Kit Kats to bed ..

Or, to be more precise, the Asda much cheaper but very acceptable version.

Don't get chocolate on the sheets...

So that's what those brown marks are !

Well, well, well.

A portion of last night's enormous feast: tender pieces of pheasant/axis/venison/caribou stuffed with jalapeno, cheese and onion and wrapped with bacon.


I am not eating anything. Just can't get hungry. I have some rose garden tea at the moment.

Raspberry Roulade. You can't beat a bit of dessert in log-form.

