Inside No 9 - Series 8 Page 5

Quote: Lazzard @ 27th May 2023, 9:22 AM

In my ongoing quest to work out why they wrote this bit, I looked it up.
Found a Reddit thread from 2010 where a couple of people remember it as "chocolate cake"
So that version did exist.
I wonder whether, in real life, it was something Reece & Steve had argued about?
I also wondered - in a darker moment - whether it triggered Steve because it reminded him of a particular aspect of their relationship he had found abhorrent for the last nine years?

:O at both your points.

Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 18th May 2023, 10:40 PM

Well. Sorry, but that ending was not worth the half an hour of shit gameshow preceding it, even if there was foreshadowing with the Matilda question. This is the first time I can genuinely say I was bored for the majority of the episode.

I totally agree. I hate those sorry of daytime quiz shows so it was a real chore to sit through it.

Incidentally, they used the milk... rhyme in a LOG stage show, so perhaps it is something they've argued about previously. Cake is clearly a poetic travesty.