Vintage adverts Page 13

Quote: Chappers @ 28th February 2022, 9:18 PM

I've even forgotten what Aaron said about emojis/emoticons whatever.

? You're priceless, Dave.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 28th February 2022, 12:16 PM

Is maiden aunts coming to tea still a thing?

Is that a euphemism for a WOMAN'S PERIOD?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 27th February 2022, 3:11 PM

From 1939................


Jesus, I thought chocolate was suppose to be rationed then, that's more chocolate than the entire army got during the course of the war. Their kids were doing alright though.
And what a great game for them on the lid, looks fun, I've just zoomed in on the words, 'Who can be first to annexe Austria? Will you be able to hide in Switzerland and escape the entire war, even get rich from Nazi gold looted from the Jews? And don't forget to bomb Hitler's Alpine retreat in Bavaria.'

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 27th February 2022, 3:11 PM


There should be a 'like' button on posts.
So Alf, 'like'

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 1st March 2022, 7:24 AM

Jesus, I thought chocolate was suppose to be rationed then, that's more chocolate than the entire army got during the course of the war. '

The war had only just started Alf - rationing came later, and I have noticed on some of the end of the war chocolate adverts, they were saying things like "Your favourite Crunchie (or whatever) is back!" and,, they were only available in certain areas of the UK, apart from the rationing.

Can't find one that actually says that presently (got 100s!!), but this one from 1953 does say "It's not easy to find them"




1959....................... 50p a tin That's a bargain! The tin alone would probably fetch double that now to a collector, if not more!


That's a new one for me.
Could cause confusion when attempting to buy it though.
"What tobacco do you want? Oh ! it hasn't got a name,etc....."

Quote: psmith @ 3rd March 2022, 7:24 PM

That's a new one for me.
Could cause confusion when attempting to buy it though.
"What tobacco do you want? Oh ! it hasn't got a name,etc....."

I once went through a desert on a horse with no name

Quote: psmith @ 3rd March 2022, 7:24 PM

That's a new one for me.

I remember it, and there's a number of them for sale on eBay at the moment - this one's on for £5


Golden Virginia rolling tobacco use to have "a nice moist shag" written on their packet. That was before student loans and rolling your own had kudos.

1938 Was there a post about this choccy bar on some thread?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 4th March 2022, 9:01 AM

1938 Was there a post about this choccy bar on some thread?


The similar Triple Bar got an honourable mention on page 2 of this thread all those months ago.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 4th March 2022, 9:10 AM

The similar Triple Bar got an honourable mention on page 2 of this thread all those months ago.

Ah yes, thankyou archive department ? With that pretty mundane TV advert - wouldn't have excited me much, but interesting what appears to be a rejig of two "flavours" to three, or did they run together?