Am I a criminal?

I was on a train yesterday and found myself flirting with quite a hot girl who must have only been fourteen or fifteen. And yes, I was thinking about what it would be like to have sex with her... Is that wrong? Should I turn myself into the police so they can pop me on a register?

MMmmm depends how old you are HAHA

Quote: chipolata @ October 19, 2007, 10:18 AM

I was on a train yesterday and found myself flirting with quite a hot girl who must have only been fourteen or fifteen. And yes, I was thinking about what it would be like to have sex with her...

Errr.... ok... what kind of site is this turning into.... :O

Mr small-chip ;-)

Yes, I have reported you, and in fact the Arrest Team are on their way.. Could the JM's use your excellent sketches whilst you are 'resting'?

It's OK to think anything you want in this country (so far..) you Bertie Dastard, you!!! 14 to 15 you say, hot you say <pulls collar> out-bloody-rageous mate!!!


It's probably normal, mate. In the animal World it's not an issue as she was probably 'of child bearing capability', and under the thin veneer of so-called 'humanity' we are in many ways still animals. Strip away the basics like money, food and shelter and chase someone with a view to killing them, and they'll soon find out how thin the veneer is..

To be fair, I'd never actually have sex with anyone under sixteen - or even eighteen - because they're such annoying pains in the arse.

Quote: chipolata @ October 19, 2007, 10:40 AM

To be fair, I'd never actually have sex with anyone under sixteen - or even eighteen - because they're such annoying pains in the arse.

Try girls next time... boom boom!

Bloody hell, you posted that at 10:18am - you either made that confession worryingly sober or worryingly drunk. Either way, brave man.

If the police email I'll let them know where you live ;)

You'll get one of those lovely anklets that are all the rage.

Quote: chipolata @ October 19, 2007, 10:18 AM

I was on a train yesterday and found myself flirting with quite a hot girl who must have only been fourteen or fifteen. And yes, I was thinking about what it would be like to have sex with her... Is that wrong? Should I turn myself into the police so they can pop me on a register?

How old are you!?

When i was 15 and someone over the age of 19 was looking at me like that -i'd freak out. At 14/15 she is too young to be looked at like that and should be free enough to sit on a train without people turning her into some kind of sex object! Not nice!

Why on earth you would want to confess this on here is beyond me!

Ellie Hath Spoken!

I'd like to be free enough to sit on a train without people turning me into some kind of sex object, undressing me with their eyes.

I did sound pretty angry there, didn't i!?

mmm a little.

Have You experienced some filthy eyes undresseing you on the train Ellie?

lol maybe

I think under age girl should all have big bells round their necks and when ever men look at them the ring the bell and shout "I'M UNDERAGE!!!" That'll sort it out I bet

Underage girls should dress and act like underage girls, and behave.. no make up, no jewellery, sensible clothes and shoes.. no flirting with strangers.. have a bit of decorum..

Fat chance, many prostitutes dress more conservatively these days.. and behave better.. not that I, er know anything about anything, OK?

You can't stop people looking and imagining what they want.. not yet anyway..