British Comedy Guide

This Is Jinsy - Series 1

What did people think? I thought it was a bit bizarre but not particularly funny. It was like it was trying to be Boosh and Python or as I call it Booshy Python. Didn't think it was strong enough to keep me watching, although a lot of work has clearly gone into it.

Strange that it's got quite a mainstream release on Sky Atlantic. Unless you all loved it and I missed the point. Errr

Sky Atlantic is hardly "mainstream". I'm not even sure how you go about getting it.

No. Just like the pilot, I didn't really get it either. It was certainly an improvement on the BBC Three outing, and I found myself chuckling at a few isolated jokes, but it just all felt a bit ... unfocused. People talk about Green Wing or The League Of Gentlemen being sketch shows in sitcom guise, but the near-absent plot in the first two episodes of this really exposed that.

They've certainly got a strong vision, and I applaud the creativity and dedication they've put into it, honest - but it was just too odd, and not funny.

Quote: cwickham @ September 22 2011, 3:42 PM BST

Sky Atlantic is hardly "mainstream". I'm not even sure how you go about getting it.

There's a clue in the channel name. And for Sky it is one of their flagship channels so it had a lot of backing.

I watched the first two episodes, which were not funny in the slightest. I won't bother with any more.

I found it quite pleasant to watch but I'm not sure I would call it comedy. It's like a children's programme made for grown-ups. That's not in itself a bad thing. The Boosh is like that too, but that also has actual jokes and character comedy.

I did laugh at some of the songs (singing obituaries springs to mind) and I liked the camp David Tennant. Also good to see Alice Lowe again. I may keep watching but more for the general look and feel of the show rather than as a comedy.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ September 22 2011, 3:24 PM BST

What did people think? I thought it was a bit bizarre but not particularly funny. It was like it was trying to be Boosh and Python or as I call it Booshy Python. Didn't think it was strong enough to keep me watching, although a lot of work has clearly gone into it.

Strange that it's got quite a mainstream release on Sky Atlantic. Unless you all loved it and I missed the point. Errr

Mainstream as far as I'm concerned is BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and - at a pinch - Five as that's all I can get.

Quote: Aaron @ September 22 2011, 5:27 PM BST

No. Just like the pilot, I didn't really get it either. It was certainly an improvement on the BBC Three outing, and I found myself chuckling at a few isolated jokes, but it just all felt a bit ... unfocused. People talk about Green Wing or The League Of Gentlemen being sketch shows in sitcom guise, but the near-absent plot in the first two episodes of this really exposed that.

They've certainly got a strong vision, and I applaud the creativity and dedication they've put into it, honest - but it was just too odd, and not funny.

Sums up how I felt about it.

I liked David Tennant in it, though.

But I would enjoy David Tennant reading out a list of horrific racial slurs, so I don't know if that counts as much.

Quote: Chappers @ September 22 2011, 10:14 PM BST

Mainstream as far as I'm concerned is BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and - at a pinch - Five as that's all I can get.

OK, I think mainstream was the wrong word. It's a flagship channel for Sky. After Sky 1 it's their main one. They are heavily promoting the channel and putting new stuff on it like Curb, Broadwalk Empire, Mad Men. It's the mainstream audience for Sky viewers. So to put it on that channel means they have a lot of faith in it. A lot. That was what I was getting at and given the response I'm not sure it was a wise choice.

I think flagship/mainstream channels should have one or two pet projects that are out there and odd and might not get a huge audience. I think it's the least they can do, really.

Yeh but Sky are like chav Saudi princes with a bin bag full of money buying any old shite that looks expensive.

Who on Earth thought that this programme was 'funny' let alone worth the time to air? Indeed it is very sad to see the well known actors suffering such a terrible ordeal. On other forums I have seen this programme compared to the superb Monty Python with regards to its "off the wall" humour, sadly it doesn't come anywhere near that type of entertainment and the sooner this series is taken off the better.

Quote: philip Jameson @ September 23 2011, 9:06 PM BST

Who on Earth thought that this programme was 'funny' let alone worth the time to air?

I imagine the people who made it find it funny, and the people who enjoyed watching it.
I'm not sure a programme should be taken off air just because Philip Jameson doesn't like it. ;)

How about if Sootyj doesn't like it?

Where am I currently on your list...?

Anyway, I haven't even watched it yet, it's still on my Sky box, so I shouldn't really be commenting at all.

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