The time you nearly died

Write about the time when you were closest to dying-

I was nearly killed twice (slight exaggeration but I don't know how else to word it)

1. For fun, I ran in front of a Mercedes when it had stopped at a junction. As I ran in front it moved forward and I thought it was going to hit me. Just got away

2. When I was coming back from town with my brother and my dad about 4 or 5 years ago, a massive branch fell from a tree and fell to the ground less than a centimetre in front of me. would habe been killed

Mosh pit at the Sex Pistols, Finsbury Park, 1996. I was, basically, crushed to death.

Had the worst case of acute tonsilitis that the ear nose and throat specialist had ever seen on top of a chest infection and glandular fever, severely dehydrated and wouldn't have lasted more than 48 hours if I hadn't made my Mum take me to hospital. Loved 2003 me.

2002 almost electrocuted myself with then sandwich toaster when I trapped the wire in it.

2003 almost got hit by a lorry in my little Vauxhall Nova.

2004 almost got took out by a car at some traffic lights when it jumped a red light in Speke.

Choked on a sandwich. No joke. I stumbled from the living room through the hall way and into the kitchen and my Mum was slowly walking in from the garden not realising I was choking. It was a party, everyone was tipsy. When she finally realised she ran over and gave me the Heimlich.

Now you understand why I have so much respect for the sandwich.

Weird thing is, I wasn't that scared after the initial shock of not being able to breath. I sorta accepted that I could die.

I was walking past a tower block in Stratford, London as a kid when a tin of baked beans dropped from at least ten floors up exploded on the ground about three feet from where I was standing. That would have been a pretty tragi-comic death.

Quote: Leevil @ September 5 2011, 2:21 PM BST

Choked on a sandwich. No joke. I stumbled from the living room through the hall way and into the kitchen and my Mum was slowly walking in from the garden not realising I was choking. It was a party, everyone was tipsy. When she finally realised she ran over and gave me the Heimlich.

My mum and dad's cocker spaniel once did something similar with a some cheese. As he came weaving down the hallway, choking to death on a block of cheddar, he voided his bladder. Did you?

The sad thing about the tin of beans incident is the fact someone could very well have thrown that at you.

Quote: David Bussell @ September 5 2011, 2:39 PM BST

My mum and dad's cocker spaniel once did something similar with a some cheese. As he came weaving down the hallway, choking to death on a block of cheddar, he voided his bladder. Did you?


Late 1990's, I was drunk. I vaguely remember climbing onto a flat roof via a fire escape and I vaguely remember waking up on the ground. I had bruises all up the left hand side of my body for weeks afterwards.

One time I was riding my bike as fast as I could and my neck went straight into a metal wire fence (y'know the ones with the concrete pebble dashed posts). It slashed my neck up quite badly. I'm not sure how close to death I was, but it could have easily broke my neck/chopped my head off. Good job I had the strength and subsequently the speed of a small child on my bike. I was 18 at the time though... :D

We used to go to the baths at primary school and before we broke up for the summer holidays they'd put loads of toys and things in the pool. Everyone was sat on this big floating fish shaped thing and I got stuck underneath it.

A hoilday job at Uni. I was taking down row after row of shelving in a large warehouse (actually the old Branston Pickle factory and the shelving was storing old home office prison records and immigration files)The job was completly without any health and safety at all. Most of the time it required climbing up the units to undo nuts and bolts at the top.

God this boring.

Anyway a seven foot piece of sheet metal crashed down and landed in my chest. In my chest. Still have the scar today!

Quote: bigfella @ September 5 2011, 3:19 PM BST

Anyway a seven foot piece of sheet metal crashed down and landed in my chest. In my chest. Still have the scar today!

That's a bit 'Omen'.

Quote: Jack Daniels @ September 5 2011, 3:18 PM BST

We used to go to the baths at primary school and before we broke up for the summer holidays they'd put loads of toys and things in the pool. Everyone was sat on this big floating fish shaped thing and I got stuck underneath it.

Ugh! My worst nightmare.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ September 5 2011, 3:27 PM BST

That's a bit 'Omen'.

Just a bit. BF was a priest at the time as well.

As a boy I nearly drowned in the sea off Barmouth. A man rescued me and my mom shouted at me for "playing silly buggers".

Quote: Leevil @ September 5 2011, 3:29 PM BST

Just a bit. BF was a priest at the time as well.
