Things that piss you off Page 1,404

Which women have been castigated.

You must have the liveliest and most intemperate facebook page.

Quote: sootyj @ 19th March 2014, 8:44 PM GMT

Which women have been castigated.

There has been widespread criticism on all sides. They've fallen into three distinct groupings -

1) People going 'urgh', put some make up on yer ugly witch.

2) Those claiming that breast cancer awareness doesn't need anymore awareness, everyone knows about it, what it needs is donations. And on the back of that, other cancer charities having a dig because the boob squad are hoovering up all the cash.


3) Angry attacks from women who've done the no make up selfie having a go at other women for not taking part. Every response I've seen has been 'I didn't take part but I donated money instead'. That's the blackmailing bullying bit I've alluded to.

I do side with the non-chest fat charities who complain that breast cancer takes up too much of the pie. But because men never look at woman and go 'nice pancreas darling', they're gonna keep on raking in the quids.

Isn't that a completely different subject that came up a few weeks ago, where pancreatic cancer charities ran an I wish I had breast cancer.

Interesting point, the loading of charity around sentimentality is disturbing.

Never mind cancer, psychiatric treatments are locked decades in the past. Because well they're not sexy.

R.C has the worst collection of Facebook friends ever. Use that unfriend button or at the very least unfollow.

Quote: sootyj @ 19th March 2014, 9:02 PM GMT

Isn't that a completely different subject that came up a few weeks ago, where pancreatic cancer charities ran an I wish I had breast cancer.

Yep, I remember that and my comments reflected your own at the time. Prostate cancer kills nearly as many men as breast cancer kills women, but it doesn't get the same celebrity razzamatazz.

I think there is some ironic vanity going on here. 'Look I'm willing to sacrifice my vanity by not wearing make up to vainly safeguard my boobies'. I'm not saying that's the only motivation, many have stories that directly relate to family members or friends dying of the disease, but I'm sure it's in the back of their minds.

Quote: Lee @ 19th March 2014, 9:06 PM GMT

R.C has the worst collection of Facebook friends ever. Use that unfriend button or at the very least unfollow.

Tell me about it, some of them even post on the BCG.

I suspect arguing with him about dodgy statements on immigration.

Is the one thing that stops Kim Jung Un nuking South Korea.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 19th March 2014, 9:09 PM GMT

Tell me about it, some of them even post on the BCG.

sooty is right there! :O

Hey Lee you're a stinky old fart sack

Quote: Lee @ 19th March 2014, 9:11 PM GMT

sooty is right there! :O

just calling it as I see it.

Quote: sootyj @ 19th March 2014, 9:09 PM GMT

Is the one thing that stops Kim Jung Un nuking South Korea.

As Oscar Wilde once said before being stripped naked and thrown to 120 hungry pit bulls 'The only thing worse then being Facebook friends with Kim Jung Un, is not being Facebook friends with Kim Jung Un'.

Quote: Lee @ 19th March 2014, 9:11 PM GMT

sooty is right there! :O

Yeah, I'm having a pop because he claimed his selfie was make up free, but I spotted the smallest amount of mascara - no one's eyes are that naturally pretty!

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 19th March 2014, 9:09 PM GMT

Yep, I remember that and my comments reflected your own at the time. Prostate cancer kills nearly as many men as breast cancer kills women, but it doesn't get the same celebrity razzamatazz.

Within the wind up lies the truth.

There's all sorts of illnesses that have a better media profile. And these charities are cynical in extremis about this.

Quote: sootyj @ 19th March 2014, 9:17 PM GMT

Within the wind up lies the truth.

Validation at last! \0/

At times you are like a chef making fine, beautifully crafted soup.

Then taking a big poo in it.

Manchester United winning.

If and when I have it, I give to Cancer Research. The ultimate aim is to find a cure and or life saving treatments and drugs for the hundreds of different types of cancer. There are no 'glamorous' cancers, and behind the pink bras and facebook scrapping is someone going through their own little hell, people need to disengage from the politics and unite to get to what everyone wants and that's a cure.

Hug well said lady.