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Quote: sootyj @ 17th December 2013, 2:59 PM GMT

It's emotional, but I think using pretty much Holocaust iconography in a Kid's animated movie. May well be the definition of emotional manipulation.

I think you are definitely imposing that reading on the film.


But I'd say watch it and Schindler's List back to back.

It's certainly a surprisingly dark film.

I'm sure if you watch most dramatic films back to back with Schindler's List and you'll see some parallels.

Well it's nothing like Dune.

Which bits brought on the old emotions?

I wasn't especially fussed about the growing out of your toys bits, but the incinerator bit was pretty stressful.

Probably the bit where all the Jews died.

Quote: zooo @ 17th December 2013, 3:24 PM GMT

Probably the bit where all the Jews died.


Oh you meant the OTHER film...

Quote: zooo @ 17th December 2013, 3:24 PM GMT

Probably the bit where all the Jews died.

The Toys were Jewish?

I haven't seen it yet, I think it's on over Christmas.
I hope the dinosaur is in it.

Quote: zooo @ 17th December 2013, 4:23 PM GMT

I haven't seen it yet, I think it's on over Christmas.
I hope the dinosaur is in it.

Was there a dinosaur in Schindler's List? I've never seen the film but I'm struggling to see how a Pterodactyl could work in an enamelware factory undetected, Jewish or not...


I tried watching Last Tango in Paris the other night, but I couldn't really get into it. Felt a little slow and uneventful. Brando's acting though was magnificent. Really, really good. And he's so handsome. What a guy.

Quote: Ben @ 17th December 2013, 9:06 PM GMT

I tried watching Last Tango in Paris the other night, but I couldn't really get into it. Felt a little slow and uneventful. Brando's acting though was magnificent. Really, really good. And he's so handsome. What a guy.

I've never really wanted to see that. Maria Schneider felt sexually exploited and humiliated making that film and it seriously screwed up her life. Just feels horrid to sit and watch something that was such an unpleasant experience for her.

Yeah, I read about that. Apparently she wasn't aware the infamous butter scene was going to take place.