I've just seen... Page 379

'Ripper Street' - a good old ripping yarn, even if some aspects are a bit far-fetched. Glad it's back and also that his torn-faced wife has been written out.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ October 27 2013, 10:17 PM GMT

Jack Reacher.
Despite it being Tom Cruise with all his brooding posiness.
I quite enjoyed it.

I've had this DVD for ages now but never feel like watching it (even though it's go tTom in it).
Should I give it a go then do you think Steve?

I thought it was absolutely terrible, but different strokes...

Quote: Harridan @ October 28 2013, 11:44 PM GMT

I thought it was absolutely terrible, but different strokes...

That's what I've been fearing. Got it for 2 quid but just can't get round to it.

I found it lacked suspense all the way through and completely wasted Werner Herzog's talents.

Aw :( I'll probably just leave it then.
It can go to the charity shop with Wrong Turn 4, which I watched 10 minutes of then switched off cos it was f***ing disgusting.

I feel so powerful! What other decision can I make for you?

Quote: Harridan @ October 28 2013, 11:58 PM GMT

I feel so powerful! What other decision can I make for you?

:D Errrrm... Should I give all my money to you?

An advert with multiple men peeing in multiple urinals. Turned out it was about cancer. Cheery.

Frontiers. Gruelling French horror film about a family of Neo-Nazi cannibals. Fun.

That sounds like the sort of DVD you find in Poundland.

I'm looking forward to seeing Don Jon next weekend!

This is the End.
It was pretty funny.

Oh and Movie 43
Which although dreadful did have Halle Berry getting some huge boobs out to shake at Stephen Merchant who had been made up to look like a Chinaman. which is the kind of thing I look for in a movie.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ 10th November 2013, 9:35 PM GMT

Oh and Movie 43
Which although dreadful did have Halle Berry getting some huge boobs out to shake at Stephen Merchant who had been made up to look like a Chinaman. which is the kind of thing I look for in a movie.

I could barely get through the first sketch in that film, it was just too vile! Doesn't sound like it improves much later on...

I haven't quite managed to finish it completely yet.