What are you gaming? Page 145

I'm playing UT since UT'99 has been released. And now my favourite game is UT 3. Yes, this is really old game, but I can't do anything with my desire to kill some slow manta drivers by headshot.

I've been playing State of Decay: Breakdown so much over the holidays I'm literally the 70th best at it in the world. That's some achievement for an old f**ker like me I reckon.

Gta v stills

Some random person gave me about $200 billion the other day

So I can buy literally anything I want now

Which has taken all the fun out of it really

Has anyone else played "Papers, Please"?


It won loads of game of the year awards from respectable publications such as Wired and Ars Technica, which I find completely baffling.

I played it for 25 minutes the other night and didn't get it. Not a bit.

Spending too much time on Borderlands 2.
I feel a belated New Year's Resolution coming on.

I am now the proud owner of an Xbox 360 (Welcome to 2005)

My GT is 'awishaway' *insert camp smiley* feel free to add me to your friends lists :)

Xbox? Pfft. Gay. (Welcome to Fan-Wars)

Quote: Nil Putters @ 9th January 2014, 1:18 PM GMT

Xbox? Pfft. Gay. (Welcome to Fan-Wars)

Oh, you're one of those. Get well soon.

I have no idea what I'm talking about. As usual.


You're doing fine so far.

What games did you get with it?

Quote: Lee @ 9th January 2014, 1:31 PM GMT

What games did you get with it?

It came with Kinect adventures, and I also bought: GTA 4, Fifa 13, Bioshock, Kinect Sports, COD4 and a few more that I can't remember. (I'm at work atm)

I also bought Skylanders Swap Force and Disney Infinity for the kids, the needy little shits.

Not a bad selection then. It really is the best time to buy a console at the end of its life where you can just play all of its best games and often at a 10th of the price out would have cost you collecting them as new releases.

Found in my local GAME Batman of the year pack which had all three Arkham games for £20 for the PC. 51% through the first one and thoroughly addicted.


Like the sound of this PlayStation Now service. I've played OnLive and it worked fine. Can't be arsed buying new consoles, so for me, a very casual gamer, the ability to stream games through my TV is just gravy.


OK, nearly bought a PS4 and then looked at the list of games available. Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer.