British Comedy Awards 2008 Page 22

Oh don't say that. That suggests stalking, kidnapping and leg hammerings.

Quote: Leevil @ December 11 2008, 3:09 AM GMT

Is that your way of telling us it'll still be BSG in 2009?

Ha ha. Yes. The new site is closer, but still not quite finished! Remind me I said this in 2010 when it's still BSG!

By the way, as an aside, in today's Sun, Ally Ross (who was on last year's panel) revealled how the BBC lean on their judges to vote for certain Beeb shows because they 'fit the right demographic'... so confirmation the jury is far from un-biased and basically selecting shows based on politics rather than how funny they are. But we all knew that anyway.

Still, it was a bit embarrasing for the BBC that Pulling's Sharon Horgan won an award... what with them having just axed her show.