I read the news today oh boy! Page 89


String the bastards up - or better still let them see how it feels to be the quarry and set a Hunt after them across the countryside.


Always seemed like a nice chap. RIP

I've never heard of him.

String the bastards up

And take him while you're at it !



More BNP magic...

Oh my God.

I guess he's up for being raped by a binman then!
It's just sex.

"Some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly." :O

That's an old (paraphrased) Noel Coward quote apparently.

Quote: AngieBaby @ February 13 2010, 4:12 AM GMT

A friend of mine in the industry reckons they have a huge file on Ewan, but haven't released any of it because the public like him so much, it would be detrimental to the paper to expose him.

I hope they go for the jugular. He's always seemed a smug c**t to me. Yes, TO ME!

Quote: chipolata @ February 22 2010, 11:48 AM GMT

Regardless of what Gordon Brown's meant to have done, was it really ethical for the National Bullying Helpline tio wade in and say they've recieved calls from people in Downing Street? No, it wasn't.

Ethics smethics.

I don't see the harm it does, as they didn't release details of the exact complaints, or of who made them. All seems an overreaction.

Quote: EllieJP @ March 2 2010, 2:28 PM GMT

"Some women are like gongs - they need to be struck regularly." :O

That made me lol.

Quote: Aaron @ March 2 2010, 5:19 PM GMT

Ethics smethics. I don't see the harm it does, as they didn't release details of the exact complaints, or of who made them. All seems an overreaction.

Since no details were released how do we know ANY calls were recieved from Number 10? The woman was a basket case.



Is anyone in the least surprised? There's no way he should ever be let out of prison.

Like it says, the breach could be a minute technicality. Doesn't necessarily mean anything.

As for the release, possibly not. But they shouldn't have been tried in an adult court in the first place, so the whole thing is pretty murky and questionable.

It could even be for his own protection if he was rumbled.

Todate the case of those boys is a rare example of the justice system offering two lost, damaged boys a second chance for some monsterous crimes.


Not so fantastic Mr Fox.

Quote: Aaron @ March 3 2010, 4:31 PM GMT

But they shouldn't have been tried in an adult court in the first place, so the whole thing is pretty murky and questionable.

No - but their parents should have been.