I read the news today oh boy! Page 90

For what crime? Life is sometimes tragic and inexplicable.

But some times we should execute people and accept it's beyond us as a society to truly help them.

The BBC wants to eliminate 6 Music? It's pretty much the only radio station I listen to. :(

Quote: sootyj @ March 3 2010, 8:26 PM GMT

For what crime? Life is sometimes tragic and inexplicable.

For being totally crap and irresponsible parents.

Quote: DaButt @ March 3 2010, 8:31 PM GMT

The BBC wants to eliminate 6 Music? It's pretty much the only radio station I listen to. :(

Yeah, I know. I'm kind of disappointed. Although for a laugh I like to put on one of the streaming Welsh stations and listen to my kids try to imitate the announcers. Lots of laughs there. :D

Newly Discovered Wasp Species Enslaves Spiders

Persuade hard workers to create a world that they can control and for their pains devour them?

These are Tory wasps.

Quote: Gavin @ March 4 2010, 11:44 AM GMT

http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/02/newly-discovered-wasp-species-enslaves-spiders.php Newly Discovered Wasp Species Enslaves Spiders

:O Next stop: humans! Be afraid...


Can I add this woman to the list of potential exterminees please? I have absolutely no sympathy for this stupid cow and actually feel a bit sorry for the Romanian involved.

For those who can't be asked to click on the link, it's the story of some interfering big mouthed idiot who took it upon herself to become a one woman cigarette vigilante. For two days running she berated some bloke because he was having a cigarette on a deserted open air train platform. Unfortunately, she didn't realise that in the real world, if you piss people off, then you might get a clump.

If you actually look at the video clip, she enters on to an empty train platform and then walks 300 feet to deliberately confront the smoker. Why she didn't contact the Transport Police is beyond me - no it's not, she just wanted to go on a petty power trip and have a go at someone.

Because this dozy tart couldn't keep her aggressive, confrontational big mouth shut, people have been sent to prison and she apparently can't go to work now or travel on a train because of 'post traumatic stress disorder'. That's right, she has the same condition as soldiers who've seen their friends die in Afghanistan.


The woman may well have been a busy-body but the guy should have just walked away.

Quote: chipolata @ March 4 2010, 12:54 PM GMT

The woman may well have been a busy-body but the guy should have just walked away.

I totally agree with you, pushing middle aged women on to train tracks isn't acceptable behaviour.

But I do wonder if this same woman would have approached a big group of black guys or a load of England football fans doing the same thing?

The fact she deliberately went out of her way to attack the same guy two days in a row could be construed as bullying behaviour.

I'm also having problems with the entire situation, if the bloke had been smoking a cigarette in front of an incubator in a sick baby ward, then I'd be totally on her side, but because it was basically outside and 300 feet away, I feel she was just being an aggressive plonker wanting to throw her weight around.

She's a silly cow, but he's a psycho. You don't push people on the tracks because of an argument. I'm glad he's in prison.

Quote: zooo @ March 4 2010, 1:05 PM GMT

She's a silly cow, but he's a psycho. You don't push people on the tracks because of an argument. I'm glad he's in prison.

Again, I totally agree with you. However, there is what we consider to be acceptable and decent behaviour and what other's call 'The real world'.

Everyday I'm confronted by all sorts of rude and anti-social behaviour, but I keep quiet, why? Because it's not worth getting stabbed to death by a gang of hoodies by telling them not to throw their McDonalds wrappers on the ground.

Unfortunately, there are a group of people who've grown up without ever experiencing what it's like to be in a physical fight and live in this insane bubble world where they think no harm will ever come to them, no matter how rude or self righteous their behaviour. These are the same people who have 'post traumatic stress disorder' when they eventually get a slap in the face for being a twunt.

Both parties showed a total disregard for common sense. If the woman in question had just told the British Transport Police instead of deliberately provoking the psycho, then all this could have been avoided.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ March 4 2010, 1:16 PM GMT

Unfortunately, there are a group of people who've grown up without ever experiencing what it's like to be in a physical fight and live in this insane bubble world where they think no harm will ever come to them, no matter how rude or self righteous their behaviour. These are the same people who have 'post traumatic stress disorder' when they eventually get a slap in the face for being a twunt.

Yep, agreed.
They should hold compulsory 'dealing with the proles' evening classes in the suburbs.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ March 4 2010, 1:16 PM GMT

Unfortunately, there are a group of people who've grown up without ever experiencing what it's like to be in a physical fight

How about fighting them for a charge as a therapeautic assisst?

But I am getting sick and bloody tired of PTS. I had a particularly smelly fart this morning which left me in a damaged state. I'd like to sue Quaker porridge oats and my own colon.

Wasn't there a gym that got into trouble recently for teaching 'street fighting'classes? Which was basically teaching middle-class people how to use their blackberries and laptops to defend themselves against angry chavs?