I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,632

Lots of news going around now, and I bet it's like Pulp. Because Pulp are shit, too.

Quote: chipolata @ 4th August 2023, 6:11 PM

Lol. You understand the irony of you getting triggered by people who have alternative views to yours?

You know what they call that!

These kind of arguments are like Pulp.

Did Jarvis Cocker let his dog do a poo on your lawn or something?

Just reading about a drug in the US for Postpartum Depression (PPD). WTF????

Apparently it's another name for Post Natal Depression. Why? Everyone knows about Post Natal Depression. Why this posey name? Is it something woke?

Quote: lofthouse @ 4th August 2023, 7:28 PM

Did Jarvis Cocker let his dog do a poo on your lawn or something?


Wait till you hear about sidewalk and pavement!
Apparently different countries have different words for stuff sometimes.

Actually, I googled for you. They are often used interchangeably, but "postpartum" refers to issues pertaining to the mother and "postnatal" refers to those concerning the baby. There! Nothing to get upset about.


Whenever I accidentally flick onto gb news or talk tv - some tedious boring prat is usually droning on and on an on about some bullcrap on the internet that day that is 'woke'

Who gives a flying f**k?

Get a life

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 4th August 2023, 3:22 PM

The usual 'shoot the messenger' brigade reply.
No mention of them raiding Sunaks house (deplorable)
Or that 'you weren't invited - which was the point of the post.

All hail Greenpeace and boo GBnews.

What is your fear because any mention of GBnews triggers you all?
Is there no room for any alternative view than yours?

You know what they call that!

GB News isn't officially supposed to be right-wing. Neither is the famously 'fair and balanced' Fox News.
You've rather let the cat out of the bag there!

Quote: lofthouse @ 5th August 2023, 2:00 PM

Who gives a flying f**k

The mile high club.

GB News grew faster than any other in May. I contribute its decline since then to your campaign Lofthouse.

I wonder which other "Not right wing" News channels lost out to GB News ?

Source: https://pressgazette.co.uk/media-audience-and-business-data/media_metrics/gb-news-ratings-two-year-anniversary-digital-growth/#

Quote: lofthouse @ 5th August 2023, 2:00 PM


Whenever I accidentally flick onto gb news or talk tv

:D How do you accidentally flick - they are right out of the way

Putin, Trump, Johnson, Netanyahu, Imran Khan....

God help us all

Quote: lofthouse @ 6th August 2023, 12:43 PM

Putin, Trump, Johnson, Netanyahu, Imran Khan....

God help us all

I think you've got the wrong forename for Khan there haven't you?


Imran - convicted of illegal practices, corruption, concealing assets and wrongly declaring wealth in tax returns

Sadiq Khan wants Londoners to have air to breath that doesn't poison them

See the distinction?

You'd better ask the voters of Uxbridge and other outer London boroughs about that.

In fact what Sadiq Khan really wants to do is raise as much money as possible and this is the way he's come up with of doing it.

Sadiq Khan was criticised by the UK Statistics Authority for alleging that 90% of cars in outer London meet the ULEZ standards. Official statistics show that, in fact 1 in 6 cars don't meet the standards and the Authority said this was part of a pattern where TFL (Transport for London) made public claims without publishing supporting evidence.


His office has since admitted that he mis-spoke (that's politicians talk for lying). Of course we are used to Labour leaders "mis-talking". Remember He's a colleague, he's a friend... ...Is he a friend, was he a friend? No?

See the similarities?

My point was that major countries in the world are being ran by criminals and corrupt lying bastards and gangsters

Yet you want to have a pop at a mayor that wants clean air?

even if it makes him unpopular in certain sections

Silly Billy!

How much do you know about Imran Khan or is he being stitched up?

And I really hope they don't send illegal migrants to Ascension Island. What have those poor people done to deserve that? They'll be outnumbered in no time.

I'm sorry an Italian man was crushed to death by falling cheeses and I couldn't help laughing.


Hard cheese!