British Comedy Guide

Is cyber stalking a real problem? Page 3

Quote: don rushmore @ February 7 2012, 12:08 PM GMT

The hunter becomes the hunted. Or as dellas would say ...

'Methink it time to turn tables on me attackers.'

Laughing out loud

Quote: Rooface @ February 7 2012, 12:08 PM GMT

There speaks a man who likes the old fashioned way of sitting in a bush outside your house.

I have never sat in your bush! (there wasn't enough room thanks to the Polish sailors and homeless cats)

I've met women who have been stalked (no, not by me) and it is a real problem that shouldn't be trivialised. Unfortunately, the Daily Mail and womens magazines have done just that, convincing every woman in Britain that they are being stalked by someone all the time, even if they don't know it.

Of course, paranoia and ego enters the equation and soon their fanciful minds are full of nonsense that they are being stalked. Accidentally bump into your ex in the town centre? No - I'm being stalked!! A bloke offers to buy you a drink in the pub? No - he's stalking me and drugging my drink! Wrong number? Stop ringing me you stalker!!!

It won't be long until women develop stalker envy - why is no one stalking me? What's wrong with me? Etc., etc.

Yes. We're all like that.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 7 2012, 12:41 PM GMT

Of course, paranoia and ego enters the equation and soon their fanciful minds are full of nonsense that they are being stalked. Accidentally bump into your ex in the town centre? No - I'm being stalked!! A bloke offers to buy you a drink in the pub? No - he's stalking me and drugging my drink! Wrong number? Stop ringing me you stalker!!!

It won't be long until women develop stalker envy - why is no one stalking me? What's wrong with me? Etc., etc.

Yeah, let's all start accepting drinks from strangers and stop finding it weird if someone you don't know rings you multiple times.
That'll definitely be better

boyfriend, partner, stalker... it's all semantics really isn't it?

Mock if you must, but I just had a note shoved under my door. It's a leaflet for a Chinese laundry service. Maybe I should move to another country.

Quote: AJGO @ February 7 2012, 12:50 PM GMT

Yeah, let's all start accepting drinks from strangers and stop finding it weird if someone you don't know rings you multiple times.
That'll definitely be better

Hence my paranoia and ego comments. Most of the women I knew were being stalked by ex-boyfriends - some of whom had proper mental issues - who couldn't accept the relationship was over.

But let's put this into some kind of real world perspective. The vast majority of people are not being stalked. However, the concept has entered the modern conciousness to such an extent, that people are convincing themselves they're being stalked even when it is blatantly untrue.

And if truth be told, this made up fear is an issue that effects women much more then men. Now thanks to Facebook, everyone can fully realise their ego fuelled desire to be wanted by imaginary stalkers.

I find it only becomes a real problem if you're stalking more than 3 people, then you know sorting out what bush your meant to be hiding in, what phone number to dial at what time... it all becomes a bit of a headache, a logistical nightmare.

My advise, find one really good person to stalk and don't spread yourself too thin ;)


Bussell is pretty easy to stalk. His Facebook is all like "I'm doing my five upstairs at the Crown & Lemming in Putney tonight at 11.45pm" every day.

It would be totally super-easy to wait in the car park for him with a baseball bat and some handcuffs. Maybe some olive oil and sandpaper.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 7 2012, 1:15 PM GMT

Hence my paranoia and ego comments. Most of the women I knew were being stalked by ex-boyfriends - some of whom had proper mental issues - who couldn't accept the relationship was over.

But let's put this into some kind of real world perspective. The vast majority of people are not being stalked. However, the concept has entered the modern conciousness to such an extent, that people are convincing themselves they're being stalked even when it is blatantly untrue.

And if truth be told, this made up fear is an issue that effects women much more then men. Now thanks to Facebook, everyone can fully realise their ego fuelled desire to be wanted by imaginary stalkers.

Nice. I'm a paranoid egomaniac for not accepting a drink from a complete stranger. Your attitude towards women is actually really worrying

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ February 7 2012, 12:41 PM GMT

I have never sat in your bush! (there wasn't enough room thanks to the Polish sailors and homeless cats)

I've met women who have been stalked (no, not by me) and it is a real problem that shouldn't be trivialised. Unfortunately, the Daily Mail and womens magazines have done just that, convincing every woman in Britain that they are being stalked by someone all the time, even if they don't know it.

Of course, paranoia and ego enters the equation and soon their fanciful minds are full of nonsense that they are being stalked. Accidentally bump into your ex in the town centre? No - I'm being stalked!! A bloke offers to buy you a drink in the pub? No - he's stalking me and drugging my drink! Wrong number? Stop ringing me you stalker!!!

It won't be long until women develop stalker envy - why is no one stalking me? What's wrong with me? Etc., etc.

That's not women, that's a few paranoid f**kwits who seem to think it's a badge of honour and I have met plenty of men who have been convinced they are being chased after by women because of really dumbass reasons.

One guy I knew was convinced a girl was obsessed with him because she would wave at him everyday as she went past him on the way to lectures. I never bothered telling this idiot the girl in question had been living with her girlfriend for two years.

Quote: AJGO @ February 7 2012, 1:34 PM GMT

Nice. I'm a paranoid egomaniac for not accepting a drink from a complete stranger. Your attitude towards women is actually really worrying

I have no issue accepting a drink but there is a difference between a guy at the bar offer to buy you one and someone sliding up to you with it ready-made. How the hell do you know what is in it?

Quote: AJGO @ February 7 2012, 1:34 PM GMT

Nice. I'm a paranoid egomaniac for not accepting a drink from a complete stranger. Your attitude towards women is actually really worrying

Is he the type who sits next to women with whom he is unacquainted and say: "here, have this drink."?

I'm confused 'cyber' the name of a pub?

I think we forget how weird and complex human relations are. Certainly the attitude towards women shown by magazines for blokes are chilling. Not least of all that one which was banned recently (a guy made a joke about rape her you won't get convicted). And I think most guys know the
"leave it dude guy"
who just gets way to angry and posessive over who he's dating. Most rape campaigns would do a lot better to focus on telling guys not to be dicks.

But there is a flip side.

Quote: AJGO @ February 7 2012, 1:34 PM GMT

Nice. I'm a paranoid egomaniac for not accepting a drink from a complete stranger. Your attitude towards women is actually really worrying

No, my attitude towards women is that they are a group of grown up, responsible and mature individuals who don't react to every situation like a bag of hysterical emotions. (though I am beginning to revise that at the moment)

The word stalker is being thrown around like the word racist these days and can be construed to mean absolutely anything.

Whether you accept drinks from a complete stranger or not is none of my business. But convincing yourself that all men are stalkers willing to drug your drink is incredibly sexist and insulting - and just a tad egotistical.

(to be fair, AJGO is attractive and would definitely be towards the top of my list of BCG women to drug)

Quote: Rooface @ February 7 2012, 1:42 PM GMT

That's not women, that's a few paranoid f**kwits who seem to think it's a badge of honour and I have met plenty of men who have been convinced they are being chased after by women because of really dumbass reasons.

Hooray! \0/ Someone gets what I'm driving at!

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