I read the news today oh boy! Page 593

Can you imagine kidnapping Tara Palmer-Tomkinson or someone of her ilke? You'd have to kill her to shut her the f**k up.

Quote: Nil Putters @ December 20 2011, 10:36 AM GMT

Can you imagine kidnapping Tara Palmer-Tomkinson or someone of her ilke? You'd have to kill her to shut her the f**k up.


*forwards Putters threatening post to West Mercia constabulary*


More than 2 in separate incidents is a serial killer

and he was a very nasty bastard glad he died behind bars

More a mini-series than a serial, but, back on topic, I hope the bastard rots in hell.

Quote: Timbo @ December 20 2011, 12:55 PM GMT

More a mini-series than a serial, but, back on topic, I hope the bastard rots in hell.

Has this thread become an auction where we all try and outdo each other? I'll see your "bastard rots in hell" and raise you a "I hope the c**t burns for all eternity"! I win! ;)

I shall flick through my old copy of Dante to see if I can come up with anymore imaginative torments.

Quote: Nil Putters @ December 20 2011, 12:09 AM GMT

Life Adolf A. wasn't bad enough!

Seriously though, that is f**ked up.

Is there something wrong with the name Adolf?

:) Just listened to some of the 'Leveson' enquiry' very amusing Piers Morgan being 'slow roasted', like 'A faded pop star forced to discuss the worst selections from his back catalogue' Radio4 gem!

Quote: dellas @ December 20 2011, 5:34 PM GMT

:) Just listened to some of the 'Leveson' enquiry' very amusing Piers Morgan being 'slow roasted', like 'A faded pop star forced to discuss the worst selections from his back catalogue' Radio4 gem!

I'd love to see Pierced Organ slow roasted. Although he is so slimey and greasy.


The question won't arise for me when that happy day dawns that the world is rid of Thatcher.

Tears of laughter only !


I understand that cope with expected demand, the undertakers for lady Thatcher's funeral have been in touch with these people: hire

Thatcher gets a lot of stick, she wasn't so bad in many ways.


:O Errr