Chickens - Pilot Page 5

Quote: zooo @ September 2 2011, 10:59 PM BST

I found Jonny Sweet's character a bit annoying. Just a bit TOO stupid and awful. Could probably live with it though.

He got all the best bits! Apart from the manic child beating.

Actually, to continue the Inbetweeners thing, Neil in that is clearly stupider.

Ha, yes. Neil is stupid in an innocent thick way, Sweet's character is just an arse.

Quote: zooo @ September 2 2011, 11:03 PM BST

Ha, yes. Neil is stupid in an innocent thick way, Sweet's character is just an arse.

I agree, but a funny one!

I think Sweet's character would need to be toned down for a series. That level of obnoxiousness and stupidity I don't think would be bearable, workable, or in any way believable throughout 6 episodes. He could still be an insensitive git, but it'd be unsustainable to make out over more than just 1 episode that he can't remember that there's a war on. It started to drag in this single pilot really.

Loved Vansittart's headmaster particularly, and would love to see Bird extending his range a little more. I've not seen him veer too far from Will as yet, but hopefully a series would give that opportunity.

Ultimately, as I said, I don't think it was without its problems, but there were some very nice ideas and great gags in the show, and I'd really like to see how they develop and explore the characters, story, and their world, over a series. I'd certainly tune in.

Don't listen to 'em if you read this boys; keep him as obnoxious as possible!! :D

Oh no, I'm totally with Aaron on that!

Quote: zooo @ September 3 2011, 12:16 AM BST

Oh no, I'm totally with Aaron on that!


Quote: zooo @ September 3 2011, 12:16 AM BST

Oh no, I'm totally with Aaron on that!


I enjoyed this and hope it gets a series. The last scene was particularly funny, as was the headmaster pulling Felicity Montague's character.

Have the ratings been released yet?

What is the typical time frame for deciding whether a series will be picked up?

Overall I think this was pretty poor. I maybe laughed 3 times during the whole thing, although this may have been at how surprised I was at is rubbishnessnessness.


I really enjoyed this. It provided enough jokes to keep us happy as well as setting up the premise really well. I hope a series is made. My favourite moment was when Jonny Sweet's character (Bert, I think) tried to chat up the grieving widow, a very funny moment.

I tried to watch but got bored so I had to make do with Bez doing stand up on BBC One.

I liked it, and it worked well as a one-off, but am not sure it would work as a series.

Having them as outcasts in the village limits the potential too much. With Father Ted the relationships and subject matter meant you could just have an episode with the leads set entirely in the parochial house. I just do not see that being the case here, and if every interaction with outside characters is going to be antagonistic in the way it was in the pilot it will get tiresome very quickly.

Obviously we can't know their plans for further episodes though, I don't see the situation as especially limiting myself.