Ideal axed by BBC Page 4

Quote: Martin H @ August 8 2011, 12:36 AM BST

I've been meaning to write a proper review of Ideal for ages, as it is one of my favourite sitcoms, and the only reason I ever watch BBC Three. With the unfortunate news of its cancellation, it was the kick up the arse I needed to finally write my review (now tribute) to this truly innovative, funny, dark, yet warm sitcom: :)

Nicely nicely Vincent Pricely Laughing out loud

I reckon your review is quite spot-on, you managed well to summarize in a few paragraphs what makes of Ideal such a peculiar show.

Thanks for adding that link Martin.
Like you alluded in the article, Ideal wasn't just another job to the cast, but more a labour of love (albeit paid). It's great to see how many of the cast and crew are helping out with promoting the petition.

I loved Ideal when it started. The first couple of series were great, then it went a bit ropey. The last series seemed to be back on form.
Maybe if there had been a bit of quality control it wouldn't have got the axe.

Having watched the series, I don't know what that means. :S


Ideal: The Movie
Having written 53 episodes of his BBC TV comedy drama 'Ideal', Graham is now creating an Ideal feature film.  The film, which follows the misfortunes of Moz (Johnny Vegas), will keep the action rooted within the Manchester weed dealer's flat.


Intriguing! Does feel to be stretching the current British comedy film boom a little though?

Still on by the sound of it. :D