British Comedy Guide

They had it. Then they lost it

Comedians who were funny. But somewhere along the line stopped being funny. Can you think of any examples?

One of my comedy heroes, Steve Martin. One of the all time great stand ups who went on to make some classic comedy films. The films he makes these days, however, are almost uniformally shit.

Having said that, he's made the odd amusing cameo, such as in 30 Rock, made a critically acclaimed music album and writes some pretty good novels. But he's no longer The Wild And Crazy Guy. I'm not certain he actually 'lost it', rather he just, in the main, gave it up.

Dawn French, judging by Roger and Val.

Victoria Wood - she's still good but tries to hard now to the point were I just cringe.

Whoopi Goldberg

Roseanne Barr

Isn't this the career arc of almost every successful comic?

Woody Allen definitely.

Steve Martin made Bowfinger quite late in his career.

Quote: sootyj @ August 14 2010, 6:24 PM BST

Steve Martin made Bowfinger quite late in his career.

It was made over ten years ago, and registers as a comedic blip, proof of what he is/used to be capable of. Sat either side of it is two decades worth of mostly awful films.

True I suppose if I could comand any amount of money for any amount of crap I wouldn't bother.

Robert Rodriguez what's up with all these awful kids films?

Quote: sootyj @ August 15 2010, 10:59 AM BST

Robert Rodriguez what's up with all these awful kids films?

Though he has the rather fun looking 'Machete' coming up.

As long as it's better than Grindhouse.

Tarrantino is another. He lost it exactly 11 minutes into from Dusk till Dawn.

Quote: sootyj @ August 15 2010, 11:27 AM BST

Tarrantino is another. He lost it exactly 11 minutes into from Dusk till Dawn.

Nah, I loved Jackie Brown, Kill Bill and Basterds. His Grindhouse flick was a bit duff mind you. But then was that part of the gag? Probably not.

Ok Jackie Brown was good.

But none of the later films seemed to have the simple pleasure of Vincent and Mia discussing office gossip. They just felt loud and kinda crude (except Jackie Brown). Like he'd given up and was parodying himself.

I love Kill Bill. Wasn't keen on Basterds. Rather liked Grindhouse.

And his whole section of Dusk Till Dawn is brilliant.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2010, 11:38 AM BST

And his whole section of Dusk Till Dawn is brilliant.

He wrote the whole thing!

Basterds I paid to watch on Virgin pay per view, after about half an hour I pretty much gave up.

Sadism without wit is just unpleasant.

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