I read the news today oh boy! Page 125

Same thing got Rigsby apparently . .


Quote: Chappers @ May 6 2010, 12:48 AM BST

And he had a stupid name that meant something totally different in England.

Corey Haim?


Well I've never heard that before.

Quote: zooo @ May 6 2010, 1:19 AM BST

Well I've never heard that before.

A mate of mine is always using the phrase. A gnat's cory.

Quote: zooo @ May 6 2010, 12:16 AM BST


Bit of a shame that hardly anyone will hear about this, so everyone will forever think he died of a drug overdose. Not the best way to be remembered!

I think it's a shame there should be a stigma attached to dying of an overdose. Either way he ended up dead, so what's the problem?

Well, because of what I said.
It would mean he'd been lying to everyone for the last 7 years of his life (including family etc).
And also means he looks like a massive Hollywood cliche.
Not a nice way to be remembered.

Quote: Nogget @ May 6 2010, 5:33 AM BST

I think it's a shame there should be a stigma attached to dying of an overdose.

I always thought it was quite a cool way to go?
Better that than having a brain embolism on the toilet.
Or knocking one out in the wardrobe with your belt around your neck.
Or falling off the roof while putting an aerial up.

i note Chappers has been in the news again. Rolling eyes


Oh. My. God.
What a sad figure he must have looked.

Quote: zooo @ May 6 2010, 12:27 PM BST

Oh. My. God.
What a sad figure he must have looked.

Don't. You'll make me feel guilty for drawing attention to the story purely for the purposes of mockery.

Pff. It's a dude in a skirt. He deserves a good mock!

Ooh, I've hit gold. Thanks Google.


Esscuse me whilst am sick.

Quote: Aaron @ May 6 2010, 12:33 PM BST

Esscuse me whilst am sick.

I don't know, he's quite convincing.


Who gives a f**k!