British Comedy Guide

South Park Page 5

South Park's brilliant. When it came out, I was a kid. I hated it. Why? Cos all the morons liked it cos 1. it has swear words, and 2. "Oh my god! They killed Kenny". However, when I actually gave it a chance around 5 years ago, I realised it's actually really intelligent a lot of the time, and one of the best comedies around, even if some flids like it too.


Anyone hear about the huge controversy in America about the show's 200th episode last week? Trey and Parker got death threats from a Muslim group, threatening that they could get murdered, all because of the new episode featuring Muhammed.

Comedy Central pussied out and censored any mention of Muhammed's name or image of him and the an entire speech was bleeped out of the episode talking about fear and freedom.
It didn't even air in the UK but it's online at ALLSP if anyone wants to check it out.
Sad state the world's in when everybody caves in to terrorists threats, lets them win and basically an end of free speech.

'Swallow, come!' :D

Quote: Matmerismo @ April 29 2010, 1:30 AM BST

Comedy Central pussied out and censored any mention of Muhammed's name or image of him and the an entire speech was bleeped out of the episode talking about fear and freedom.
It didn't even air in the UK but it's online at ALLSP if anyone wants to check it out.

I thought 200 was aired uncensored, then the warning came, so the next episode - 201, which featured more of Mohammad - was censored. Interview with Matt & Trey on 200 here:

Quote: Kenneth @ April 29 2010, 2:16 AM BST

I thought 200 was aired uncensored, then the warning came, so the next episode - 201, which featured more of Mohammad - was censored. Interview with Matt & Trey on 200 here:

Yes your right sorry my mistake. Trey and Parker are Gods. I hope they continue the show for many more years.

Quote: Chappers @ April 23 2007, 2:05 AM BST

It really is so Politically Incorrect. Timmy in the wheelchair, the bloke with the electronic voice box etc. It just annoys me that Isaac Hayes was quite happy when they took the piss out of everyone else but when it came to his religion he refused to take part. I can understand if he has these beliefs but if he is that religious he shouldn't join in knocking everything else.

I'm sorry but it really pisses be off when people say this
All religions except maybe Hinduism basically say all the others are a load of bullshit that's what religion is, can people stop bunging all religions together into one happy tolerant society. If you think your religion is right obviously, by proxy you think every other religion is wrong, so its OK to make fun of them, of course you aren't going to make fun of something you actually believe in.

Quote: Joakley @ April 29 2010, 11:40 AM BST

Of course you aren't going to make fun of something you actually believe in.

South Park does.

Quote: Joakley @ April 29 2010, 11:40 AM BST

I'm sorry but it really pisses be off when people say this
All religions except maybe Hinduism basically say all the others are a load of bullshit that's what religion is, can people stop bunging all religions together into one happy tolerant society. If you think your religion is right obviously, by proxy you think every other religion is wrong, so its OK to make fun of them, of course you aren't going to make fun of something you actually believe in.

Actually very few say that it's their followers. Religions how ever good rarely become more than the extension of their leaders prejudice.

Long-time lurker, first time poster.

Watching the most recent South Park episode - which was probably the worst in a long while, which is saying something when you consider the recent palpable drop in quality - I was struck by a strange and somewhat obscure thought: that Nathan kid looks exactly like the forum editor from the British Comedy Guide, Aaron.



Am I right?!

Good way to endear myself to the site management.

Quote: James BradburyHarding @ May 1 2010, 9:26 AM BST

Am I right?!



I thought the last episode was pretty shit, but probably only because I had no idea what they were parodying. SP is always pretty weak when it satirises lame cable TV shows that its core audience probably don't watch anyway.

I wasn't impressed by the Toweley intervention but I enjoyed the summer camp stuff with all the 'disabled' cartoon characters. Droopy, Porky Pig etc.

Quote: James BradburyHarding @ May 1 2010, 9:26 AM BST

that Nathan kid looks exactly like the forum editor from the British Comedy Guide, Aaron.



Am I right?!

Good way to endear myself to the site management.

Tee hee. Wonder if Aaron has seen this...

I think Nathan is Down's Syndrome, are you suggesting Aaron is too?

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