Not Going Out - Series 3 Page 72

Quote: Dave @ July 26 2009, 8:33 PM BST

That's the sound this show made as it struggled to stay alive in face of such bad scripts.

If you say so.

There is a repeat of the unshown last episode of Series 3, Absent Father Christmas on Comedy Central Extra next Saturday at midnight for those who missed it last time - including me, but I still can't get that channel. :( Maybe it is time for me to update my Sky...

Ooh, excellent, Thanks!

Well spotted. I'll make sure that we mention it.

Quote: Lindyloop @ August 22 2009, 10:36 PM BST

There is a repeat of the unshown last episode of Series 3, Absent Father Christmas on Comedy Central Extra next Saturday at midnight for those who missed it last time - including me, but I still can't get that channel. :( Maybe it is time for me to update my Sky...

Is that the one with Bobby Ball?

Yes, it is.

Oooh, I've seen that already. Pleased

Quite a fitting end, I thought.

Apart from Ball turning up dressed as Father Christmas and ...left out due to spoilers.., I can't remember what happened. :$

Aww, damn damn damn damn! I really wanna see this episode now. Four months seems such a long wait. :(

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 22 2009, 11:08 PM BST

Apart from Ball turning up dressed as Father Christmas and ...left out due to spoilers.., I can't remember what happened. :$

...You laughed a lot.

(I hope.)

It was funny IIRC. :)

I've never seen that one.

We are still one behind from the last series aren't we?

On Comedy Central now.

Quote: Tom Simpson @ August 22 2009, 11:08 PM BST

Aww, damn damn damn damn! I really wanna see this episode now. Four months seems such a long wait. :(

On Comedy Central at 00:00 on 30 August according to Sky. So for us normal people that don't change the date until we get up that's midnight on the evening of August 29th.